Chapter Thirty Three

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Today was the day of the dance competition yet instead of being there, I was lying in a hospital bed flicking through magazines trying my best to distract myself.

For the last 2 months I had been going in and out of the hospital as I had been told my ribs were taking longer than usual to heal but I had reassured them that I feel no pain at all. Even my legs have fully healed although I guess the doctors just needed to be fully certain that I'm healthy.

They had decided to keep me overnight to monitor me, ignoring all excuses I had made so that I could be back home. At least at home I could have distracted myself rather than sit here and think about the competition.

My friends knew I needed alone time today and respected that although since the accident Jai had made no attempt to contact me at all. I know I shouldn't be thinking about him at all right now but how could I stop. I had gone through many stages of angry, hatred and tears when it came to thinking of Jai but how could I remain angry at him when he thinks he's doing the right thing by putting me before him. Although what he's doing isn't anywhere close to where I want him to be.

Drowning in my own thoughts, I hadn't realised the door had slightly opened revealing no one. Just until I was going to make an attempt to get up and close it, my heart skipped a beat at the sight.

"Scarl-" His husky voice called to me.

"Jai what are you doing here? It's way past visiting hours and you're gonna get in trouble!" I whispered in shock that his presence was in my room after all this time.

"Look I know I have a lot of explaining to do but right now I don't have enough time-" Jai began.

"Clearly" I muttered motioning to the dark hallways out my window.

"Hear me out. I need you to get up and get dressed into these in less than 2 minutes." He ordered holding up a bag.

"Why?" I questioned taking the bag from his reach.

"We're going to the dance competition. No more questions, quickly get dressed!" He whispered loudly as he turned around.

I untied the wires which were connected to me and put on the clothes which were in the bag, soon realising that they were my dance teams outfit.

"Done" I smiled causing him to turn around and grab me hand.

"Let's go but you need to stay close behind me. Stay quiet," he ordered as we stuck out into the hallway, "You look amazing by the way" I smiled at his comment before returning into stealth mode.

We peered around the corners making sure no one was around and to our luck we were in the safe. I was too overwhelmed with the current situation to realise Jai was holding my hand as we snuck around.

"Shh" Jai whispered pulling me closer to him as we stood glued against the wall.

"Jai no ones there" I questioned looking around the corner.

"I know" he smirked before I realised what he was doing. My cheeks felt hot as I realised how close we were.


"Hey what are you doing out your rooms?!" A security guard down the hall called at us.

"RUN!" Jai shouted before pulling me as we ran as fast as I ever had towards the exit of this building.

"Where the fuck is the nearest door?" Jai called out getting frustrated.

"Calm down! Follow me" This time taking his hand I pulled him towards the door which was on the floor below. We ran down the stairs and just as the exit came into view another guard came out from behind us.

He was close to grabbing me but Jai pushed him back causing him to fall hard although not hard enough to hurt him.

"Let's go" with that we ran out into the fresh wind outside and towards the recognisable car. We jumped in and in an instant flew out of the car park. I checked behind to see any sign of someone following but was relived to see we're in the clear.

"Want to explain?" I asked regarding our current situation.

"I'm taking you to the dance competition. I know how much it means to you and there's no way in hell I'm letting you miss it, after all it's your dream." he replied with a determined expression.

"Thank you." I smiled knowing that this is actually happening, I'm going to perform at the place I've dreamt about for years.

"Thank me when you win" he smirked, "Also I'm sorry Scar I've been such a dick by not coming to visit you but I couldn't face you. I put you in there, this was my fault and I hope you can even consider forgi-"

I put my finger on his lips causing him to face me. "Don't apologise to me. This is not your fault so don't you dare blame yourself." He smiled in response before turning and taking the keys out the car. I looked around to see a swarm of people entering the High Cal Dance Studio indicating we arrived.

"We need to run, you're gonna start soon." with that Jai grabbed my hand and we ran towards the back entrance to be greeted by a grinning Monika.

"About time! Does escaping hospital really take that long?" She joked closing the door behind us, "They're waiting over there." I followed her line of sight to see the dance team gleaming back at me with ecstatic expressions.

"SCARLET" they screamed running towards me. I laughed as I was pulled down the hallway to then be welcomed by Leah.

"Thank god, still remember everything?" She asked regarding the routine.

"How could I forget it?" I grinned.

"Good because you're going on now" My heart skipped a beat at her words, this is it. I turned back to find Jai in hope of to calm my nerves.

"Don't worry you'll be amazing out there. It'll all come to you naturally, don't stress." He gave me a small hug before I had to walk in the direction of the stage, "Look out for the rest in the crowd!" He called out. Everyone's here?!

I followed the team onto the stage and took my starting position. I snuck a glance out into the huge crowd but that didn't make it hard to spot out the rest of the group near the front. A warm feeling filled my heart as I glanced down the isle to see all of them sitting with wide grins. However as I looked further down I saw two older wom- MY MUMS HERE? I had to stop myself from screaming as I saw her looking back at me with her proud smile along with Gina next to her.

"Let's do this" I whispered to myself as the music started.


I can't believe this book is nearing to an end with only one more chapter to go! Let me know of you're thoughts and thank you for all the support.

Will Scarlet get through the routine perfectly or will there be something which puts her off completely?

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