Chapter Twenty Nine

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The week went by pretty fast due to the reason that I had been spending most of it with Jai even though we were meant to be having a 'break' it sure as hell didn't seem like it. We were walking to every class together and spent nearly every break with each other but this time it felt different with him. It felt good because we were taking things slow but it was hard to keep the feeling of wanting to kiss him every second inside.

Earlier in the week, Jai had asked me to go to a party with him so right now I found myself at Monika's house waiting for Jai to come pick us up. Monika looked gorgeous as she wore her short flowing dark dress with her hair perfectly in a high ponytail whereas for me I wore a figure hugging navy dress with my straightened hair down.

"And I thought girls were meant to be fashionably late" Monika joked looking at the time on her phone showing that we were just under a hour late to the party.

"I mean if you weren't so obliged to taking my bike, we could of got there earlier" I spoke slightly smirking.

"Does it look like I wanted to die tonight?" Before I could sass her back there was a knock at the door revealing Jai.

"Sorry we're lat-"

Monika barged past him and ran towards the car, "Save it for later. We need to go!" With that said we all climbed into his car.

"Someone's eager" Jai muttered driving out of the driveway.

"Jamie has some sort of surprise waiting for her" I explained.

"Makes sense. If it makes you feel better, parties aren't usually fun in the first hour. And sorry I'm late I had to do a few things before getting home" he apologised.

"It's fine, sorry I'm just nervous" Monika replied.

"Yeah don't worry about it" with that done we finally arrived at the 'soon to be destroyed' house. The house itself was insanely huge. Apparently the owners parents are popular within the music industry so not only are they rich but the house is always parent free, as I'm told. The party going on right now had been the talk of the week at school. From what I've heard this guy holds the best parties as he goes all out.

"Hey guys" Sienna greeted as we walked into the kitchen area of the house. We all greeted each other with Jai staying solidly by my side.

"I'm gonna go find Jamie, I'll see you in a bit" Monika winked as she walked away.

"Here" Luke spoke handing Jai and I a drink.

"Thanks" I took the cup downing it down in one go then feeling the burning sensation in my throat.

"Well shit" Skip laughed looking towards my empty cup.

"It's needed" I laughed back as I was getting my second cup.

"Wanna go dance?" Jai asked me stopping me from getting more drinks.

"Sure" I smiled as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the dance area.

The dance floor was pretty crowded as expected but the room was huge so it wasn't so tight. Jai led me right into the middle of the dance floor to where he started doing little dance moves to 'Yeah' by Usher. I joined in dancing and singing the words, as soon as Jai saw that I was singing along he began to dramatically sing out to me. Soon enough the song became some what of a dance off between us as we both sang and danced different parts to each other.

"Next thing I knew she was all up on me screaming" I sang along to rolling my hips to where Jai went behind me and grabbed my hips causing my breath to hitch but there was no way I wanted to get out of his touch. Our hips were moving in sync as my hips danced along his front. He then took the lead by grabbing my hand and twirling me just as the song finished. We heard a few whistles from around us causing our locked glaze on each other to break and look where the noise was aimed at. Surprisingly enough there was a small circle of people around us who had obviously been watching our little performance. My face fell red with embarrassment as I realised I had danced crazily to the lyrics but the sudden realisation that most of these people have most likely seen me dance make the embarrassment fade. I slowly turned towards Jai to see him smiling back down at me. He then smirked as he turned back to the small crowd and bowed.

"You idiot" I laughed as we walked out of the dance area.

"Well that was fun" he winked at me.

"Yeah you could say that. I never knew it would be that easy to beat you in a dance off" I teased.

"Beat me? I rapped the whole chorus without messing up" Jai spoke proudly.

"Keep telling yourself that" I joked causing him to laugh.

"I'm gonna go get us some more drinks" He spoke walking across the huge hallway to the kitchen.

I took the time to look around at the people around me, most were wasted but seemed to be under control. With the stories I've heard of this party, I expected something way more dangerous out of tonight.

"Hey stranger" I heard a familiar voice call from behind me to where I turned around to see Connor.

"Oh hey!" I replied giving a friendly hug.

"I saw you out at the dance floor, nice moves."

"Thanks, I didn't realise we would have audience" I joked.

"Well with the way you moved you were bound too. You look really good tonight" he smirked coming closer towards me.

"T-thanks" I coughed feeling uncomfortable with the space between us as I was leaning as far back into the table as possible.

"Too bad it wasn't me you were dancing with" Suddenly I felt his lips press up against mine, I immediately shoved him away causing him to stumble back. He then looked back to me, fury in his eyes as he stormed back over towards me but before he came any closer a familiar figure ran towards him and punched him out cold. My fingers touched my lips in shock as Jai continuously punched him whilst he was unconscious. 

"J-Jai" I shouted staring at him with wide eyes. He glanced over at me with his eyes full of anger but softened as they met mine. He looked back down at Connor but walked out the room shoving people out the way as he went. Not turning back once.

I would firstly like to say thank you so much for all the votes, comments and reads I've had so far on this book! Your comments really do help me out :) Also I apologise for the delay with this chapter and I promise my next update won't take as long. Let me know about your thoughts on this one!

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