Chapter Twenty

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"If anything in this house gets destroyed, it's on you" I warned Jai who was giving one of his famous smirks. We had just finished organising the house for the party which was starting in exactly two hours and from Jai's lack of decorating skills I had to do most of the work.

"Listen! Nothing will get destroyed, apart from me on your bed" He smirked at me again.

"If I catch you having sex in my bed, I will personally murder you" I shot him a stern look.

"I'm kidding! You need to loosen up" Jai spoke shaking my shoulders, "Go get ready"

I groaned before walking upstairs to my room with Jai trailing behind.

"So, have you got your outfit planned?" Jai asked leaning against the wall.

"Nope, I guess I could wea-" I was about to pull out a old dress but Jai stopped me.

"Wear this" I looked over at him to see he was carrying a blue bag, "I went out and got you something. Think of it as a 'first house party' gift"

My eyes grew wide. He walked over and handed me the bag, I cautiously took it then stared at the dark item inside.

"Take it out" He ordered smiling.

I followed his words and pulled out the dress.

" didn't have too" the dress was so simple yet perfect. It was a short red dress but the look of the dress isn't what shocked me, it was the fact that Jai went out his way to get it. I quickly pulled him into a tight hug.

"Thank you" I spoke.

"You're welcome. Do you like it?" He asked. I pulled away with a big grin.

"Love it" He gave a smile back.


At this point the house was crowed, it wasn't the sort of crowd that would get out of control but the sort to make a hell of a mess. I was currently sitting in the back garden with Sienna, Ashley, Jessica and Monika. They all clicked with Monika pretty easily so everything was going okay with us. It had only taken me a hour to dress myself before the party started, the dress Jai bought fit me perfectly although it was pretty revealing at the front. I had straightened my hair and put on dark red lipstick that helped the dress stand out.

We were interrupted by Daniel, Luke, Beau, James, Jamie and Jai who surprisingly weren't drunk but were being their usual loud selves.

"Come inside we're gonna play Truth or Dare" Beau smirked at us.

"No thanks. After last time I'm gonna stay out of this one." Sienna spoke receiving laughs from the rest, making me curious as to know what went on.

"C'mon it'll be fun" James spoke taking Sienna hand.

Before the rest of us could protest we were being pulled inside by the boys. Jai smirked as he grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. I took a quick look around and saw luckily nothing was damaged but there was a lot of mess. The living room was crowded with people dancing so we all went to the room next door. We all sat down in a circle, I had sat with Jai and Monika by my sides. The music from the other room was loud but we could hear each other through it.

"I'll start" Beau stated looking around the circle, "Truth or dare?" He asked towards Ashley.

"Truth" she replied.

"If you could kiss anyone in this room right now, who would it be?" Beau asked.

"Easy, Daniel" she confidentially stated making Daniel smirk.


The game had gone pretty crazy, the dares went from Sienna having 10 minutes in heaven with Luke to one of the boys having to be naked for at least 15 minutes. When it came to my turn I was dared to take what felt like 60 shots resulting in me being pretty drunk. The party was near to finishing so a lot of people had already gone home.

"Dare" Jai chose from Jessica's question. This was gonna be the last dare of the night as the rest had said they needed to get home.

"Skinny dip with Scar" it took me a few seconds to comprehend her words. "To make it fair, you can both wear your underwear."

Jai turned to me for a answer as I knew he wouldn't do it unless I agreed.

"Fuck it let's do it" I spoke, slowly standing up.

"Are you sure?" Jai asked with wide eyes.

"I'm sure" I gave him a reassuring smile.

"I'm liking drunk Scar" he laughed as we all walked into the back garden.

Jai pulled his shirt off revealing his toned chest which I had to stop myself from staring at. He slipped down his jeans but left on his boxers and before we knew it he canon balled into the pool. I walked over to the edge of the pool and sat down, I squirmed when my legs hit the cold water. Jai immediately swam over and splashed me.

"Alright alright I'll get it" I pulled my dress over my head and removed my earrings then slowly slipped into the pool. My head became dizzy as the cold water was sobering me up.

"I didn't think you would actually do it" Ashley shouted over at us.

"Too late to turn back now" I shouted back.

"We're gonna head home, don't have too much fun" Monika called out and even though it was dark I could just see her wink. With that said they all walked back into the house. I awkwardly turned to Jai and smiled.

"Well this isn't how I expected the night to turn out" I spoke.

"Me neither but it's not so bad" he smirked.

I felt Jai's cold hands wrap around me, steading me against the pool wall. Silence grew around us and all that was heard was the water and our breathes. Jai stared into my eyes but for some reason I had to fight the urge to stare back in his. Jai put his hand to my chin and moved my head to stare back at him. His hazel eyes shimmered from the pool lights.

"You've got nice eyes" I spoke repeating the comment he had made on the night we kissed.

"Not as beautiful as yours though" He replied making me blush.

A second wasn't spared before our lips crashed against each others. All the absent feelings I had from the night we first kissed came back and yet again it felt as if fireworks had gone off. This kiss felt way more passionate, I hung my arms around his neck and I felt his hands tugging my thighs to go around his waist. I placed both of my legs around him, the water made it easier for me to hang on and feel weightless. His hands rested on my lower back and I felt them hold onto me harder as I pulled him closer in the kiss.

We finally pulled apart for some air and stared widely into each other's eyes. I unwrapped my legs from him but his hands stayed wrapped around my waist with my arms around his neck. I never knew a kiss could feel like that.

"I've been wanting to tell you something ever since I first recognised my own feelings, Scar I like you. A lot" Jai spoke looking deeply into my eyes, "If you don't feel the same way, I'll leave bu-" My heart fluttered at his words but I decided the best way to shut him up was too smack my lips upon his.

"I like you too" I replied, causing him to smile.

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