Chapter Seventeen

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School suprisyly went by fast, I was currently at home getting ready to go meet Connor. I decided to just put on some black ripped jeans and a grey oversized jumper as he said we were going to the local restaurant. I found it strange that he randomly called me to catch up because we rarely see each other outside of dance lessons but I guess it's good for me to socialise more. I yet again left my hair out straightened and went downstairs, if didn't leave right now I would be late so I headed out. I jumped onto my bike and set off. Connor is a really chatty person so I wasn't expecting it to be awkward between us. The place we were meeting at is a old American diner themed place, I love it!

Soon enough I arrived and parked up. I could already see Connor at one of the booths looking out the window. I entered the diner and made my way towards him.

"Hi" I said giving him a side hug as I sat opposite him.

"Hey! How have you been?" he smiled, showing the sparkle in his beautiful blue eyes.

"Good so far, and you?"

"I've been good. Sorry about the short notice by the way, I just thought we needed a catch up" he spoke.

"It's fine, I wasn't doing much anyway. This place is awesome" I stated.

"Same I love it. It's my Sunday breakfast place."

"Ah cool. How's the dancing been going?" I asked.

"It's been good for me but the classes are slow. There's a lot of new people" he said.

"I get it" with that said the waiter arrived and took our orders.

"Do you think you'll be coming more often?" he asked.

"Hopefully. I've been spending my time recently dancing with this guy from school" I smiled.

"Oh cool. Is he good?"

"Suprisyly he is. I should bring him to dance class so you guys can meet" I smiled.

"Yeah that'll be fun" he replied as the waiter put our orders down. "Any new lovers you haven't told me about?" Connor randomly asked.

"Nope. What about you?"

"Nothing with me either" he sighed. "I was wondering if you would like to come to a party with me this Saturday? I know you hate parties but I thought it would be fun." he asked.

"I've gotta tell you a lot has changed with me. I've been going to a lot more parties than I would have before but sure I'll come" I replied giving a small laugh.

"You like parties? Shit, a lot can change in a month. You can bring someone if you like by the way"

"Thanks I'll probably take Monika" I smiled.

"By you 'changing' does that include the new style?" Connor questioned referring to my clothes.

"Yup it does. I needed to try something new, I was getting bored with myself" I laughed.

"Well whatever you look like, you're still beautiful" he said making me blush red.

And suddenly I was really excited for this party.

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