Chapter Twenty Six

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As each day went by, I only began to feel worse. I had refused to step back into school after what happened as I couldn't bring myself to face everyone at school especially Jai. He hadn't contacted me since last Friday (which was when it happened) however I had been visited by Monika and the girls throughout the week who have told me that he was doing as bad as I was resulting in him missing school too. I didn't feel sympathetic for him but I was angry at the fact that he didn't try at all to fix what's happened or even fix us.

Today was going very differently due to the reason that Monika had physically forced me out of my bed to go to school. Monika was one to never back down from something that seemed impossible and in this case the situation looked impossible. I had been kicking, pushing and screaming in order for her to give up but I failed horribly as I sat in her car on a sunny Thursday morning on our way to school.

"I wanna kill you right now" I cried out to her.

"You've been trying all morning darling and it hasn't worked" she replied. I grunted as I leaned back into my seat and saw our school appear in the distance.

"Monika...I can't do this" I whispered to her, she turned to look at me and studied my face.

"Listen Scar, you have to face them at some point and it's better to do it now then wait. I've been saying all week that anyone with their right minds knows you're amazing. It's gonna be hard to walk back in there when everyone will be staring but I'll be by your side 24/7. Also I know that's not the only reason you've been fighting me all morning to not come in" she turned towards me and I knew she was hinting at Jai.

"I don't wanna see him. I'm not ready" I muttered.

"He probably isn't gonna be in like he hasn't been all week" Monika assured me as we parked. We sat silently and stared at the front entrance of school.

"Let's go" Monika spoke giving me a small smile before getting out the car. I followed her out whilst keeping my head down.

As soon as I walked into the school hallway I felt eyes immediately land on me. People began to whisper, Monika had noticed and grabbed my hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. I hadn't seen any sign of Jai as I reached my first class which was a relief.

"I'll wait for you here. You'll be fine" I gave Monika a small smile in reply as I walked into my class and she walked to hers.

The class was already full and everyone's eyes fell on me. I quickly walked to my seat not daring to look at anyone.

"You came in!" I heard Sienna say from her seat next to me as I sat down.

"Monika forced me but I wanna leave already" I whispered back.

"You've got us to get you through the day and also he's not in either" she replied. I gave a small nod in reply before turning to look back at the front. I guess I felt happy that I wouldn't have to face Jai but I still felt empty.

"Okay class let's begin wouldn't want to miss a good lesson of Math since we're starting late" the teacher began.

"Like how we missed a good assembly to see a shit dancing video" my head snapped upwards as the class erupted with laughter all except for Sienna.

"Andy shut the fuck up and get back in your cage" Sienna called at Andy, receiving ooo's from the class.

"Alright that's enough" the teacher shouted before continuing with the lesson.

"Thanks for that" I whispered to Sienna.

"It's okay you don't deserve it. Don't listen to dicks like him, they always have something bad to say" she replied.

"Yeah I won't let it get to me. Thanks again" I thanked.


The rest of the day went by extremely slowly and the endless stupid comments about the video didn't stop however it's gotten to a point where I couldn't care less. At first the comments really started to get to me. I was so close to running out one of my classes to the bathroom but I stopped myself because I realised if I let it get to me I'm only letting those dicks win. It's not them who have been practising and dedicating their life to dancing so they don't deserve the pleasure of knowing they've hurt me

And even through the stupid comments, I had been receiving some compliments which helped over look the bad. It took me long enough to not care about what people think but I guess it's better now than later.

I even talked with the boys earlier today, they had told me that Jai wasn't doing good and that I should try contact him. I was so close to doing so until I realised I can't just pop back into his life when I made such a damaging exit. He also hasn't contacted me which made it seem like he doesn't want to associate himself at all with me.

Every time someone mentioned him, it felt as if my heart was being ripped out of my body and I couldn't do anything to stop the pain. I never knew a boy could cause this much destruction.

My thoughts were then interrupted by my phone ringing in my pocket. I gently pulled it out and answered without checking the caller as part of me hoped it was Jai.

"Hello" I greeted.

"Hi Scar this is Leah!" I was surprised when I heard her voice as Leah never contacted me unless it was serious.

"How are you?" I asked trying to keep all my fearful emotions inside.

"I'm fine thanks! I just wanted to talk about the upcoming dance competition. I was wondering if you were up to participate in it as we need another member and I wanted to give you a chance considering you had always wanted to be part of it and you're extremely dedicated" It took me a moment to process her words as I had wondered if I had heard it all wrong. My mouth couldn't find the right words to say but I couldn't contain my excitement so I covered the speaker and screamed at the top of my lungs in my bedroom.

"Yes yes yes! I'll do it, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity!" I thanked her.

"No problem! I'm glad that I'll have you to keep the class in order. I'll text you with details. Bye!" She finished.

"Okay thanks again! Bye" I replied ending the call.

It felt as if my dreams had come true. I never expected my day to take a complete turn but good news like this was highly needed, especially this week.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know what you thought :)

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