Chapter Nineteen

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"Well you look like crap. What's wrong?" Jai laughed as he walked into my house. What a gentleman he is.

"I'm fucking freaking out. Last night I was dancing with Connor and people were recording so what if someone put it online. You know that I don't want anyone to know" I sighed.

"Chill out. Half of the people there were too drunk to even put the camera straight, no one would put it online and plus nothing's gone online yet." Jai spoke.

Surprisingly what he said calmed me down. He followed me into the living room to where my mum was also in. Jai had texted me earlier asking if I was free so I told him I'm staying with my mum for her last day before work and he of course had to join.

"Hello Mrs Evans" Jai greeted my mum.

'"So this is the famous Jai I heard lots about. Hello Jai, call me Denise" my mum said.

"Heard lots about?" Jai smirked as he sat down next to me.

"Yep! Scar here says a lot of stuff abo-"

"By a lot she means all bad stuff. Don't get too flattered" I cut her off before the sentence got worse.

"I'm sure it's all bad" he sarcastically said.

"Well I need to quickly check I've packed everything. Make yourself at home in the meantime" my mum spoke laughing at us as she walked out the room.

"How long is she going for?" Jai curiously asked.

"3 months" I answered.

"3 months! That's a long time" he spoke raising his eyebrows.

"I guess so." I replied.

"You're used to it?" He questioned.

"I've got to be by now" I gave a small smile.

There's nothing I could do to pull my mum back and it wasn't my place to do so.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my mum struggling to bring the suitcases down the stairs. Jai and I immediately got up and went to help.

"I'll do it" he smiled taking the bags as my mum thanked him. He carried them down without a struggle making them look like they weighed nothing.

Jai had offered to drive but I wanted to so we settled for me driving there and Jai driving back. We had loaded the bags into the car, Jai had sat in the backseat allowing my mum to sit in the passenger seat.

"You better be careful with this car" my mum warned me.

"Just because it's not a motorbike doesn't mean I don't know how to drive a car" I laughed.

"The attitude is unreal" Jai remarked from the back. I glared at him in the rear view mirror making him laugh.

"Now you see what I have to deal with" my mum exaggerated.

"You and me both" he spoke causing my mum to laugh.

The rest of the ride consisted of them both roasting me, as any mum and friend would do. I had also caught Jai staring at me in the rear view mirror but he didn't notice which was lucky as it would make the car ride awkward.

We finally arrived to where we helped my mum to check in and get the tickets. Before we knew it, it was time for her to leave. She went over and Jai a hug and thanked him for the 'fun ride'. She then walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug, a small tear ran down my cheek as I heard her cry. We pulled away and I quickly wiped the tear away before they could see, I hated crying in front of people. As we watched my mum walk through the gates, Jai put his arm around my shoulder comforting me. She gave one last wave before she was out of sight.

"And let's go" I smiled pulling away as we walked back to the car. Jai jumped into the drivers seat followed by me in the passenger side.

"You know what this means right" Jai smirked as we drove onto the main road.

"What?" I questioned.

"Party at your house" he smiled.

"Nice try" I laughed turning to him. My expression changed when I realised he was being serious. "That's a joke right?"

"No joke. C'mon it'll be fun!"

"I don't think so" I stated.

"Pleaseeee I'll even stay over to help clean up. You're mum won't be home to catch you either, it's the perfect opportunity. I'll make sure nothing gets destroyed." He pleaded.

"Fine" I agreed smirking.

"FUCK YEAH" Jai shouted causing me to laugh.

"But you're keeping your promise of tidying up" I warned.

"In case you haven't realised yet, I always keep my promises" he smirked at me.

I have never felt so rebellious in my life.

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