Chapter Twenty Eight

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The light from my window blinded my eyes as I woke up, I muttered a swear word trying to turn around but feeling paralysed as a huge weight had stopped me. I rubbed my eyes in confusion just as I saw a muscular arm around me, I followed the arm up towards to the body to see a peaceful sleeping Jai and just then last night memories kicked in.

"Great" I sighed, sliding out of his grip however being stopped as he refastened his arm around me. I laid still with my eyes wide open in frustration on how to escape.

"Jai" I whispered in attempt to wake him up but to my luck there was no reply.

So I went ahead and shoved his arm forcefully away from me which woke up him.

"OUCH" Jai spoke rubbing his eyes open then turning to face me, "What the..." he burrowed his eyebrows in confusions then it hit him, "Well good morning".

"Morning, " I awkwardly answered as I slid out of bed, "Sorry about that, your arm was stopping me from getting up."

"Oh its okay" he got out of bed but stumbled over causing me to rush over to help, I guess the hang over was pretty bad. Once he regained his balance I dropped my hands from their grip on his shoulders and we both walked downstairs in silence.

"What exactly happened last night? I remember bits but not everything" Jai spoke as we walked into the kitchen.

"I was driving to the party but then I saw a guy who looked like he was going to collapse any second so I went over and then saw it was you. I couldn't leave you like that so I took you home" I summarised as I avoided eye contact with him.

"Why did you help me?" Jai questioned, this was the conversation I had been dreading all along.

"Y-you were really drunk" I replied avoiding eye contact.

"Well thank you for helping me" Jai thanked. I smiled in reply, "Look Scar, I'm really sorry about what I did. I know that saying sorry isn't enough to fix it but I don't know what to do with myself now that I don't have you" he leaned against the counter and rubbed his face in frustration.

"I know I've broken your trust and to be honest I don't deserve forgiveness but all I'm asking is for you to consider it. I regret what I did so much because the result of it was loosing you. I can't stop thinking about you Scar, it's killing me" Jai pleaded. His words struck something inside of me because I stood staring at him stunned.

"Yes what you did was a really stupid thing to do because you broke one of our first promises to each other but you did it with good intentions. Jai I forgive you but that doesn't mean I fully trust you yet" I replied.

"Is there still a chance for me to earn back your trust?"

"Yes but I need to know one thing" I began, "Ever since it happened, why haven't you bothered to contact me at all?"

"One of the last things you told me was to stay away from you. I thought that if I tried to contact you, you would only hate me more and that would lead you to not give me another chance."

"I could never hate you even if I tried" I whispered looking down at the floor, "W-We should take a break from each other until all of this has settled down" I regretted saying the words as soon as they came out but I believed it was what needed to happen for us to sort out our relationship.

"I agree. I guess that's what's needed. I'll make this up to you Scarlet, I promise"

"You don't need too, I've already forgiven you" I spoke.

"No I'm gonna help you trust me again. I need to get going but thank you for last night" With that said I followed him towards the door and as he was about to leave, he hesitantly turned around and hugged me.

I stood shocked but gently placed my arms around his waist. Feeling his touch against my skin was like pouring water on an electric wire and when he let go my body felt dull and empty. I closed the door just as he walked further into the distance.

So many emotions ran through me as I thought about us agreeing to take a break. I was scared that he would eventually not like me anymore, just as I would begin to trust him. But I was also happy about the fact that if we got back together we would come back better than ever. Even though we needed a break from each other, I guess the real trust test could be whether he continued to care or make an effort, as I was willing to do that for him. 

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