Chapter Nine

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I have never been so happy to see Friday as I was having the worst week of my life simply because Monika was changing and not a good change. She was becoming distant, every second of the day she would be with Jamie but that part isn't what bothered me. What bothered me was the fact that she was acting like such a fucking bitch to me. I was sick of it.

"Sup" I heard a voice say, I turned around to see the devil herself Monika.

"Hi" I muttered to her.

"Don't wait around for me I'm gonna be with Jamie" She fake smiled then barged past me.

"Quit being a bitch" I shouted at her making her stop walking. I've officially had enough.

"What?" she turned around and gave the dirtiest look given.

"You're not like this and you know that you aren't!"

"You need to grow up Scar. People change and you need to start accepting that. You're stuck in the past for fuck sake" She hissed at me.

"I don't know what the fucks come over you but whoever this new Monika is she's just lost her best friend" I screamed at her shoving her out the way on the verge of tears.

"YOU BITCH" she screamed back at me.

I got onto my bike and went as far as I could from the school car park where I left Monika. Tears were spilling down my eyes but the wind blew them away. How could she do that? The reminder of loosing my best friend haunted me all the way home and I knew it wouldn't leave my mind all night. I've never felt so alone. Monika was literally my only friend at school.

Once I got home I immediately went up to my room and fell onto my bed where I cried endlessly into my pillow. I had to stop myself a few times from picking up my phone and dialling her number, when all of a sudden my phone buzzed on the side of me. I quickly got up and saw the caller was Jai, I decided to ignore it as I wasn't in the mood for practise right now. I buried my head into my pillow that was wet from tears but was disturbed by my phone ringing once again. I began to get annoyed so I just answered it.

"Jai I can't practise today" I stiffled out.

"Scarlett are you okay?" He asked concered.

"I've had a really bad day" I quietly said.

"I'll be there in 10. I'm taking you to the diner" He stated.

"But I ha-" He cut me off.

"10 minutes" with that said he cut the phone off. I groaned as I got up to get changed and myself look somewhat better.

Right on time I heard a car pull up, I looked out my window and saw Jai walking towards my door. I went downstairs and opened the door as soon as he rang the bell.

"Hey" I fake smiled as I locked up my house.

"We can talk about it on the way" He said referring to why I was having a bad day. We both walked towards his car and got in.

"Speak" He spoke as he turned the engine on.

"Monika and I had a huge argument. She's been acting like such a bitch lately so I confronted her, now we aren't friends" I told him.


"I know right" I sighed.

"She'll come around. She can't stay mad at you forever" he assured me.

"Hopefully" I said looking down.

"Have you got a outfit sorted for tomorrow?" he smirked.

"Well I actually do" I gave a smile when reminded of the beautiful dress. Earlier in the week I went out shopping to get a dress but I had to go alone as Monika stood me up because 'she had better things to do'. I had bought myself a long black lacy dress that I had to say complimented my figure. To match the dress I got a lace mask that you tie around your head as I hated the ones you have to carry.

"Good. I've got my suit. It's gonna be a good night" He said, "Here we are" Jai said parking in front of a cute old fashion diner like the ones you see in American movies. I got out the car and followed Jai inside. Luckily the place wasn't busy so we took a booth next to the window. I took my seat and Jai took his opposite me. The waiter immediately came over and took our orders then went.

"What if she never forgives me?" I sighed as my head fell into my hands.

"She will. She's your best friend" Jai said moving my hands away from my face.

"I guess" I hoped.

"You know what I'm gonna help you" he smiled.


"I'm gonna teach you the 3 easy steps to becoming popular. You in?"

"There's a step to step plan?" I questioned. I would be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued.

"I'm taking that as you're up for it. Okay first step Makeover"

"Makeover?" I interrupted.

"You need a style that will make you look sexy, cute but badass" he stated, "I'm sure you can figure it out because step 2 makes step 1 easier"

"Go on" I said as the waiter placed our drinks down.

"Step 1 change your attitude. Right now you're the shy but sassy type but you need to become more outgoing, obviously keeping the sassy"

"Okaaay but how is that gonna help me with step 1?" I asked.

"When your attitude changes you find a style that suits you better" he replied.

"I get it." I spoke sipping my drink.

"Final step, make the popular group accept you in. This may be hard but with a little help from me you can do it easily" I had to say that I was impressed.

"If it's that simple then wouldn't everyone be popular?" I questioned.

"It's not that simple plus they don't have me teaching them" he smirked, "you ready for it?"

"Teach me" I smiled.

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