Chapter Fifteen

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All these sudden thoughts struck me as soon as I woke up. My mind was filled with thoughts about Jai. I started to question if it would be awkward between us? Or if we are still staying as friends? I honestly didn't understand my feelings for him but what I knew is I didn't want to start anything right now. God this boy is driving me crazy!

I psychically slapped my head to stop the trail of thoughts. I was pretty excited for today as I would be attending my dance class after what felt like years. I only went once in a while due to me being broke but for today I actually had money to attend. My mum had offered to pay for my dance classes but I couldn't let her do that, It's not that we didn't have enough money it's just the fact that I need to try be independent. I put on tank top with some leggings and put my long brown hair up into a ponytail. The class usually started at 12pm and finished around 4pm, it was currently 11:23pm so I had enough time to eat without rushing. I went downstairs and walked into my kitchen to where I was greeted by my Mum.

"Morning sleepyhead" she smiled.

"Hey mum" I spoke getting a bowl for my cereal.

"Where are you off too?" she questioned referring to my clothes.

"Dance class" I said while eating my cereal.

"Good good. Scar, you know I can pay for those clas-"

"Honestly mum it's fine! It's something I wanna do myself" I smiled interrupting her.

"Well if you change you're mind just ask. Anyway how was the party?" she asked.

"Surprisingly it was fun" I smiled as I reminded myself of the events from last night.

"What's that smile about?" she raised her eyebrow at me.

"What? It's nothing, I just had a good time" I laughed, finishing up my cereal. "I better go, don't wanna be late" I spoke as I put my bowl in the sink.

"Have fun" she said kissing my cheek. I left the room and headed straight outside to my bike. I double checked that my side bag was secure and set off. Thank god I got away before that conversation became more awkward. My mum trusted me a lot so she wouldn't think I was up to anything, well that's unless she meets Jai. She'll know Jai is bad news unless he uses some kind of magic to make my mum think otherwise.

Before I knew it I arrived. I excitedly hoped off my bike and walked inside to be greeted by the receptionist.

"Leah's class" I stated to where she wrote my name down on the list, I walked towards the main door and walked in. People were already in the centre of the room warming up while waiting for the dance instructor to arrive. I placed my bag at the back of the room, I pulled out my phone to check if I had any messages which I didn't.

"Um excuse me but you look a lot like my side bitch" It took me a second to turn around and see it was my dance class friend, Connor who I hadn't seen in ages.

"Oh my god hi!" I leaped onto him giving him the tightest hug.

"Haven't seen you in ages, you look different for some reason" He spoke smiling as we pulled apart.

"A lot has changed" I laughed, "How have you been?" I asked. Connor and I had been in the same dance class since I first started, he was a really funny and genuine guy along with him being straight out gorgeous. He was a very muscular with light brown hair and dark blue eyes, no one could deny his beauty.

"I've been good. I'm so happy to see you, it's been forever man" He sighed.

"Well now you will be seeing me more often" I laughed.

"Good" He grinned, we were interrupted by the door opening revealing the dance instructor who's name was Leah, she told everyone to come into the middle . We were familiar with each other which was why when we she saw me she quickly came right over.

"Scarlett! It's awesome to see you" She smiled giving me a small hug then running back to the front.

"You too!" I replied as I joined the group of people who were ready to learn. Connor came to my side getting ready to begin.

"Today we'll be dance to 23 - Miley Cyrus which was requested by many of you last week. I choreographed the moves beforehand so let's begin" She spoke. God I was so ready for this, I've missed this dance atmosphere a lot. "You're all regulars so you know how I'm going through this" Leah finished.



"Okay we've all got this down, let's go through it without stopping" Leah grinned, she began to count down. As we started we were all in sync, it looked amazing! I was pretty exhausted from all the practising but I didn't let that get to me. Leah was a talented dancer who could teach the wonders of dance perfectly. 

The song had finished and everyone began to clap at how successful the dance went. I smiled as Connor and I caught eyes with each other.

"Perfect! I'll see you all next week" Leah laughed as she breathed heavily. Everyone walked back to their bags and began to leave. I placed my bag around my shoulder and was met with a sweaty Connor.

"I'm so fucking tired" He breathed out.

"You'll survive" I said laughing at him.

"You better come more often okay, I miss this" He sincerely smiled.

"Me too, I promise I won't be away as long as last time" I smiled back.

"Sorry to interrupt but can I talk to you Scarlett?" Leah asked as she approached Connor and I.

"I gotta go anyway, I'm gonna text you later" Connor said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Cya" I called out as he left, "Sorry I've been missing a lot of classes" I said turning back to Leah.

"It's okay. I just wanted to tell you that I really need you to come more often because you're one of the best dancers here. I saw how you helped people around you and I need that here! Classes usually don't go as easy as that" She spoke.

"I will try my absolute best! I promise" I promised.

"Good, I'll see you soon" Leah replied whilst giving me a hug. I said bye just before I left the room and walked out.

I checked my phone and saw my phone was loaded with texts and missed calls from Jai. I immediately sat on my bike and called him back. Within two rings he answered.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Jai sternly asked.

"At dance class! Why? Are you okay?" I questioned.

"Oh...that makes sense. You weren't answering my calls so I thought that you were avoiding me. I dunno it's stupi-" He replied.

"Why would I avoid you?" I asked confused.

"Don't worry. Anyway how was dance class?" he changed the subject.

"It was really good, I've got new stuff to teach you" I smiled even though he couldn't see.

"Cool. Hey I gotta go I'll see you tomorrow" He gently spoke.

"Alright bye" I said then ended the call. That was really weird. Maybe he thought I would avoid him after last night events but I definitely wouldn't do that to him. I decided to text him a funny text to lighten up the mood between us.

Me -

Isn't the girl suppose to be loading the guys phones with texts and calls asking where they've been.

Seconds later I got a reply.

Jai -

That's a old cliché

I smiled at his words as that was the exact words I told him before. With that done I started the engine and headed home.

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