Chapter Six

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Monika was frantically running around getting ready while I was calmy sitting in front of my mirror finishing up my simple makeup.

"You need to chill" I told her.

"Easy for you to say" she spoke finally standing in one place putting on her heels.

Monika had picked out a small, tight red dress with some red heels for me, which I 100% was not comfortable in. I wore my hair straight and down with just basic makeup. Monika was wearing similar dress to mine but in black and with straps, she had made more of a effort with her curly hair and makeup. She looked amazing.

"It's weird seeing you like this but I could get used to it" Monika spoke as she saw my finished look.

"Well don't get used to it" I laughed. We decided that we were already perfectly late for the party so we quickly ran out the house and got into her car. The ride wasn't too long but as we got closer to the house you could see bright lights and people all over the front lawn. Monika pulled up on the street opposite to where we both got out.

As we walked in the music was blasting my ears. Monika grabbed hold of my hand as she pushed people out the way so we could get to a less crowded area.

"Hey you're here" I heard a voice behind me say. We turned around to see Jamie.

"You're looking beautiful" He complimented Monika making her blush. Awh they're cute.

"Thanks. Scar you won't mind if I leave you for a bit right?" she asked me.

"No its fine. Do what you gotta do" I winked at her as she walked away with him.

I was currently standing in the middle of the kitchen so I went over to the fridge and took out a beer. From past experience I realised that I wasn't a lightweight so I wasn't worried about drinking however I didn't like to drink often.

"Hey" someone said tapping my shoulder.

"Oh hey" I replied as I saw that it was Jai.

"To be honest I thought you wouldn't end up coming. You look nice" Jai said trying to compliment me. I laughed at his comment.

"It's not like I exactly wanted to come but thanks, you don't look too bad either" I spoke.

"Stupid thing to say considering I always look good" he smirked.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes at him playfully.

"Wanna dance?" he asked.

"Ah sorry but I don't know how to" I joked putting my can down on the table.

"Yeah yeah cmon" he laughed walking to the part of the house everyone was dancing in to where I followed close by. The song that was playing was The Weeknd - Can't Feel My Face. I began to get strange looks from people around us as I danced with Jai but he shrugged them off so I then ignored them. Jai randomly starting busting out his moves I taught him, making me laugh as he tried to show off. I badly wanted to join in dancing but I couldn't in front of everyone.

"Let loose who cares. Look no ones looking now" Jai said in my ear. I then looked around to see that he was right, everyone was too busy dancing to watch. Just as the chorus hit I knew I would bust out to where I did and Jai joined. I was surprisingly having a lot of fun.

When all of a sudden the music switched to a slow song. I gave Jai a awkward smile and he rubbed the back of his neck. He was about to say something but I quickly spoke.

"I'm gonna go look for Monika" I said in his ear. He nodded in reply and watched me walk away from the dance floor. I was making my way towards the back garden as I was sure they would be there. My assumption was right as I saw Monika sitting on Jamie's lap, well I guess he's already asked.

"Hey guys" I spoke making them both look.

"Hi" Monika smiled.

"So is it official now?" I smirked.

"Yep" Jamie spoke smiling at Monika.

"Aww. Monika can you come here for a sec?" I asked to where she got up and followed me.

"You okay?" she asked concerned.
"Yeah I'm fine. I was gonna say that I'm probably gonna head home early since I want you to have some Jonika time" I told her.

"You sure? And I prefer Jamika" she replied laughing.

"That's a good one. Yeah I'm sure there's no point me hanging around interrupting" I winked.

"I can drive you back now if you want" she offered.

"No no its good. I'll text you later" I hugged her bye then made my way out the house. The walk home wouldn't be too long as it was only a few minute drive here. I barged through the people and finally made it to the front.

"Leaving already?" a familiar voice said, I turned around to see Jai leaning against the wall.

"Yeah. Monika's with Jamie and there's nothing for me to do. Why are you out here?" I questioned.

"I needed to get away from the girls crawling at my feet" He dramatically said making me laugh.

"You better get back inside before they start a search party for you" I joked.

"Let me drop you home" Jai said pushing off the wall and walking past me to his car in front.

"I can just wal-" he cut me off.

"Get in" he laughed. I followed his instructions and sat in the passenger seat. Once Jai was in, he started the car.

"I've got to say that party was getting boring until we had that dance" Jai spoke. Making me smile at the memory.

"That was fun" I replied as I directed him the way to my house. "Are you gonna go back?"

"Probably not, I'm just gonna go home" he said.

"Just up here" I said pointing at my house to where he pulled in front and got out the car. He came around my side and opened my door.

"Here you go princess" I playfully shoved him as I got out. He followed me right to the door and waited for me to unlock it.

"Thanks for the ride" I thanked him.

"It's fine. I'll text you about practise" Jai spoke, "By the way you look your best when your dancing like today. You drift away into your own world" Jai said walking back to his car. His words made me blush.

"Bye" I smiled and waved at him until his car was no longer seen.

Did I just see the gentle side to Jai Brooks?

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