Chapter Four

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The house was definitely something I wasn't expecting. From inside it was very cute and tidy for teenage boys to be living in.

"Jai said he'll be here soon. Make yourself comfy" Luke (his twin brother, also popular) said throwing the TV remote at me. How kind.

"Thanks" I replied.

"No offence but I'm surprised he's hooking up with you here because he never brings girls home" Beau (the older brother, finished school) said. I gave him a confused expression then realised what he was hinting at.

"Oh my god no we aren't hooking up. I'm giving him lessons...for maths" I lied.

"Okay then," he confusly said "speaking of the devil" Beau said as he heard the front door close.

"Oh hey Scarlet" Jai smiled walking in.

"Hey" I replied standing up.

"We'll leave you guys to it" Luke said to where they both walked out.

"Where do you wanna practise?" I asked.

"Well we can go in my garage? It's not ideal but it'll work. Follow me" with that said I followed him out.

The garage was at the back of his garden which was covered in flowers, his mum probably decorated it as I doubt these kind of boys would plant pretty flowers.

Jai was known at school for having a cocky attitude so today I was prepared for not taking his bullshit.

"By the way I told your brothers that I'm teaching you math" I told him making sure he wouldn't spill the secret.

"I'll go along with it, plus they can't know I'm taking lessons. Sorry about the mess by the way. I set up a big mirror in here to help though." he said as we walked in.

"It's fine. So have you got a stereo in here?" I asked.

"Oh shit no I don't" he replied.

"We can use my phone" I went to my songs and put on LMFAO - Party Rock because that song was used to learn my first ever routine at dance class.

"Basically I'm gonna teach you how I learnt at my dance lessons. Do you know like certain basic moves like shuffling?" I asked.

"Kinda but not really" he replied. I've always found it weird and embarrassing dancing in front of people I never have danced in front of before so I came up with a plan.

"To make this less awkward we're gonna dance at the same time so first face sideways, bring your knee up and just do this" I showed him how to do it then after a couple of tries he got the hang of it.

"Fuck yeah" he proudly said looking at himself.

"I'm gonna start this song again and follow me with this routine. It's easy" I went over and started the song again. I wanted to see how fast he was at picking up moves.

I did a few basic things dance moves that matched the song, Jai was copying pretty good so far which meant I wouldn't have to worry much about teaching him counting steps. He had a few slip ups but he did good overall. When we finished the song and he had got used to the steps, I played the song again once more.

"You're not bad you know" I complimented just as the song ended.

"I know, I'm a fast learner" he smirked.

"Whatever." I laughed walking over to drink from my water bottle.

"How did you first get into dancing?" he randomly asked.

"Well since I was little I would do small shows at school and stuff"

"Wait so if you did shows why are you so scared of dancing in front of people now?"

"I started to be private about a lot of things when I starting high school mostly because I was surrounded by judgemental bitches. So for these years I've decided people don't need to know." I spoke.

"Fuck them, you're a awesome dancer" He said making me laugh.

"Thanks but I was planning to keep it secret for a couple more years too until you came along and look where I am now" I said smiling.

"You should be thankful you are in the one and only Jai Brooks' House" he joked.

"Yeah, yeah" I laughed, "Hey I've got to get home so tell me when you wanna practise next" I said picking up my bags.

"Okay cool. Thanks for teaching me that by the way" he softly smiled. We both then walked out the garage and headed for the front door. I already worked out the route back to my house as the streets looked familiar when I was on the way here with Monika.

"I'll walk you home if you want" Jai said about to step out the front door when I stopped him.

"No no its fine I drove here." I said pointing towards my motorbike.

"Oh cool"

"See you around" I said getting onto my bike.

"Bye" I then heard him shut the door as I rode away.

Surprisingly that wasn't too bad. He acts a lot different to what I would expect him too but I'm not complaining.

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