Chapter Thirteen

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I was close to finishing my lesson before lunch when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I slowly took it out not wanting the teacher to see and saw the message was from my mum.

Mum -
Coming home today. Gonna be staying for a while like I said.

Me -
Good. Can't wait to catch up.

I've missing her a lot lately and more than usual. I think it's due to me not having any girly company. The lesson had finally come to an end but just as I walked out I was met with a smirking Jai Brooks.

"What?" I questioned his mysterious grin.

"Oh nothing just the fact that, I'm sure my friends like you already" he smiled.

"Seriously that quick! That was easy. I guess I have that effect on people" I said laughing.

"Oh you do" he laughed, "anyway I think your gonna be hanging around my lot for a while now so welcome" he spoke as if I was entering a new world.

"Well thanks" I replied.

"They're in the car park in our usual meeting spot" he told me. I nodded in reply as we walked out of the school doors and around the back of the school. We found them standing against the wall talking and laughing at each other.

"Yo" Jai spoke causing them all to look our way.

"Hey" I added.

"Sup guys" James replied.

"I'm so fucking tired it's unreal" Sienna spoke leaning her head on Luke's shoulder.

"Cheer up it's nearly Friday" Daniel laughed.

"Whatever" she rolled her eyes playfully at him.

"Are you coming on saturday Scarlett? Ashley asked.

"Saturday?" I questioned, "Oh and you can just call me Scar"

"Yeah there's a party on, we're all going and since you've been with us a lot you gotta come" she pleaded.

"Sure" I smiled.

"I'll give you my number and I can come pick you up" Ashley offered pulling out her phone and giving me her number. With that done everyone else exchanged numbers with me too.

"I would offer to pick you guys up but I've only got my motorbike" I told them as I remembered my mum would be using her car as she's home.

"You ride a bike?" James shockly asked. I nodded in reply.

"That's fucking cool" Luke spoke.

"And she's not that bad a driver" Jai added laughing.

"A better driver than you" I smirked.

"We'll see about that" he spoke.


"I worry about you everytime you ride that death machine" I heard a voice say as I walked into my house. I turned around and of course saw my mum.

"Mum!" I said as I ran to her and hugged her tight.

"Missed you too sweetheart" she smiled pulling away.

"I've got a hell of a lot to tell you" I told her.

"Yeah I think you do," she spoke as she looked up and down at my appearance, "go get changed and we'll catch up"

With that said I ran upstairs and quickly put on my PJ's then put my hair up into a high ponytail. Minutes later I returned downstairs to see my mum making dinner in the kitchen. I sat down on the kitchen counter.

"Okay so tell me everything" She smiled.

"Long story short, I'm giving a boy at school dancing lessons. Monika is no longer my friend, she's going out with Jamie by the way. I've decided to change my style as I needed a change and I'm actually making a lot of friends at school" I explained.

"Wow" she replied turning towards me, "Why aren't you friends with Monika?"

"She's changed" I shrugged.

"Well from what it sounds like you're changing too" she stated.

"Yeah but it's different for me. I rather change and make friends at school then be alone 24/7. I'm pretty sure Jamie changed her, Mum" I spoke raising my eyebrows.

"Okay okay, Who's this boy?" she questioned.

"He's just a guy from school, he saw me dancing and said he'll keep it secret if I gave him lessons." I smiled, "His names Jai"

"Well okay" she slightly smirked.

"What?" I laughed at her expression.

"You seem to become quite cheery when you talk about hi-"

"No no! It's not like that I promise!" I assured her, "He's gonna be at the party I'm going to on Saturday"

"A party?!" she shockly replied. I nodded in reply. "Since when did you go to parties?"

"Since I got invited to them by my new friends" I spoke laughing.

"I've definitely missed a lot" She laughed back.

I got up and began to help her get the dinner ready. She was making one of my favourites, Pasta. It felt good to talk to someone about everything that's going on in my life. Now all that was on my mind was what the hell I'm gonna wear for the party.

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