Chapter Thirty Four

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It was all going well so far, everyone was perfectly in sync with the music. We had started off the routine with the whole group dancing which involved many flips and complicated foot technique. However now we had moved onto the smaller group dances which I was apart off. Just after the boys had completed their routine, I was up to do my couple dance with Anthony.

Out of the whole routine I was most scared about this because all the attention had gone from a group of 30 to just 2 people. The boys' had ended indicating I was up, the music flowed into Let Me Love You - Mario and I swiftly took my starting position on the bench laid out on stage.

(A/N Watch the video above for a visual on the dance they're performing)

As part of the routine I turned to look at Anthony coming towards me with his large hat covering most his face. However, as he came closer I began to notice that the person dancing didn't have the same features as Anthony. I continued dancing not putting my full attention on the dance but on this guy I was dancing with.

As he sat down next to me, a million things ran through my mind. It was Jai. I slyly smiled at him as we followed the music to the middle of the stage. We moved perfectly in sync with one another as if we were made to dance together. It surprised me how well he had become at dancing with only a few dance lessons but I was grateful that he dedicated his time to learning this. Every time we had touched within the routine chills ran through me, I missed him no doubt.

The music was ending which resulted in us sitting back on the bench. It had struck me how relevant these lyrics were to our situation which I believe was why this dance become way more intimate than it originally was. Our movements slowed down and the end involved me slowly laying down on Jai's lap to where I got a full view of his glowing face. The music had stopped but from the loud screams of the audience the only thing I was focusing on was Jai.

Our faces inched slowly closer together until he ran out of patience and slammed his lips onto mine. Old feelings of excitement filled me as the roar of the crowd grew louder. Luckily this was the end of the whole dance routine and as much as I didn't want to move from this position, we had to pull apart. Jai grabbed my hand as we ran off stage to be greeted by the rest of the group.

"I'm so proud of all of you! That was incredible!" Leah screamed pulling everyone in to a huge group hug, "They're going to announce the winners so keep your fingers crossed and let's roll" with that we followed her to where the rest of the participants were waiting anxiously.

"Round of applause for all the participants tonight. This year for sure had the toughest competition we've ever seen." The speaker began, "Although there can only be one winner which the audience and judges had all voted for. As this year is sadly the last time we will be holding this particular dance competition, the winners prize is the biggest one yet. The winners will have the opportunity to be the dancers for a very talented young singer whilst on tour. That singer will be announced just after the winners!" Squeals of excitement sounded through the room backstage.

"Just before I do open this very card in my hand, I would like a huge round of applause for all the dancers who took part tonight. Without further ado I am pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 dance competition are," my heart beat harder at every second of waiting, the room was quiet enough to hear a pin drop "LEAHS DANCE SCHOOL!"

Screams and shouts filled the room as I saw my team jumping trampling each other. Soon enough I was carried and spun around in the arms of Jai to where I let out a scream of excitement.

"What are you waiting for let's go!" Leah shouted in pure joy as we all ran back onto the stage.

As we entered the stage, I immediately saw the my mum hugging Gina in tears along with the rest of the group excitedly hugging each other. I beamed a huge smile at them to where they returned it through screams. The mic was handed to Leah to where she wiped the tears streaming down her face as she faced the crowd.

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