Chapter Fourteen

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"Shit shit shit" I whispered to myself as I looked at the time. I was running late for the party so I was currently running around my room getting myself together. All I had now to do was my hair which I decided to straighten. My makeup is what made me extremely late but it was worth the accuracy, I was wearing a little black strapless dress with black heels. I grabbed my phone with my free hand to see a message from Sienna saying they're on their way, I quickly replied then finished off my hair. I took a quick glance in the mirror before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs. Right on time I heard a car horn outside my house so I opened the door and walked towards their car.

"You're looking hot" Ashley smirked, she sat in the back with me and Sienna was in the passenger seat with Jessica driving.

"Thanks, you girls look amazing" I complemented back.

"We would've been earlier but fucking Jess took ages" Sienna spoke laughing whilst Jessica kept her eyes on the road.

"Bitch" Jessica laughed. They put the music volume louder to where we all began to sing along to Drake's album, laughing at each others awful voices. These girls weren't what the school made them out to be which is why you shouldn't believe rumours.

Before we knew it we arrived at a huge house. People were tumbling over the front lawn trying to get through the crowds of people by the door. We all got out the car and headed inside the house, as we walked through we held hands pass the busy crowds until we made it to the back garden where it was quiter.

"Girls" A voice called from behind. We all turned around to see Beau, Jai, James, Daniel and Luke.

"Baby" Sienna spoke walking towards Luke. Followed by Ashley going to James and Jessica to Daniel. Leaving me with Jai and Beau.

"So" I smiled as we awkwardly stood with each other.

"Imma go inside. Don't mess around too much" Beau said walking back inside winking at us.

"You look good" Jai smirked at me.

"Thanks you don't look too bad yourself. I'm guessing you were the big third wheeler here" I stated referring to the girls coupled up with the boy's.

"I was like the seventh wheeler. Non of them are official anyway, they've just got favourites" he laughed.

"I see. Well at least now you won't be left out" I smiled.

"Exactly, let's dance" without a reply he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside to the dancefloor, joining the other sweaty dancers. We ended up right in the middle but luckily we weren't being pushed around.

The first few songs consisted of Jai busting out dumb moves which made me laugh until I had to physically stop but then the whole genre changed from pop to R&B. Sean Paul - Temperature was currently playing so couples around us were dirty dancing without a care in the world.

"Maybe this was the wrong song to play right now" Jai spoke laughing at the couples dancing. I laughed back, swaying my hips along to the music.

"They'll still dance like this through slow songs" I joked.

The chorus of the song played to where Jai and I were shouting out the lyrics moving our bodies. People around us were starting to push us closer as the dancefloor got busier. When all of a sudden Jai caught my hips and spun me around so my back was facing him. He bought me closer with his hands still on my hips so now my back was completely against his front. He swayed my hips against his in time to the music, it felt weird at first but the music made everything happening less awkward. He then curved his head around my right shoulder so our faces were touching side by side. I could see that people who weren't dancing starting to watch us making me tense up. Jai followed me glaze not letting go of my hips.

"Like I've said who cares and you're like a new person" Jai whispered in my ear, his lips were so close they softly touched my ear. I smiled at his comment and we carried on dancing.

Once the song was over I turned back around to him and laughed as I saw he was sweating. I grabbed his hand and pulled him outside for some fresh air.

"That's not the first time a girls dragged me like that" he smirked to where I playfully hit him.

"Where's the others?" I questioned.

"Probably making out with each other somewhere" he laughed walking over to the back bench no one was around.

"This reminds me off the masquerade" I spoke as we sat and I looked up at the stars.

"Oh yeah but without the fancy" he smiled.

I could tell the night was slowing down as everyone around us became more sane and the music from the inside was slow.

"Would you like to share this dance?" Jai smiled as he got up and bent down on one knee.

"And I thought all the dancing would have worn you out" I joked as I took his hand. He placed his muscular arms around my hips and I placed my arms around his neck.
"You've got nice eyes" he stated staring down at me.

"Thanks. They're as black as my soul" I said making him laugh as we swayed side to side in time with the music.

Suddenly our eyes met each others and it felt as if the world had come to a stop. His hazel eyes shining from the stars stared deep into my eyes. This moment felt perfect. I felt our lips move closer together until they finally met. It was as if fireworks went off, his lips moved perfectly in sync with mine. My hands automatically found their way to touch the sides of his face and his arms around my hips pulled us closer. Our lips moved as perfectly as when we danced, this felt right. We then slowly pulled apart slightly gasping for air. His arms then fell and held my hands.

"Man" he sighed smiling at me causing me to blush.

"Wanna find the others?" I smiled.

"Not really but I guess we have too" he laughed. We then walked back into the house with Jai holding my hand. It didn't take long to find them as they were all huddled in the kitchen.

"Wassssup" Beau slurred putting his arms around Jai and I.

"I think it's time we took you guys home" Jai laughed.

"James and I were the only ones that stayed sober as you can see" Jessica laughed back. With that said Daniel, Jai, Jessica and I helped everyone outside and to the cars. Jessica and I put Ashley and Sienna in the back seat while Jessica hoped into the drivers seat followed by me sitting in the passenger's side. I saw Daniel and Jai running back towards our car so Jessica rolled the windows down. Daniel went around to her side and Jai came to mine.

"They're all in" Daniel assured us.

"Same with them" Jessica spoke pointing to the back.

"Drive safe and text me when you get home" Jai stated.

"Yes Dad" I joked. He then gave out a small laugh before kissing me on my cheek.

"Bye guys" Daniel spoke as he kissed Jessica on the lips. They both ran back to their car and we set off.

"Sooo are you and Jai a thing?" she smiled looking at me.

"No no! We're not" I quickly replied.

"Whatever" she said laughing at me.

"What about you and Daniel? Don't think I didn't see that little kiss" I smirked.

"Trust me it's complicated"

"Well do you like him?" I questioned.

"Yeah but I don't know" she sadly spoke.

"You guys will work it out" I assured her as we pulled up at my house. "Thanks for the ride. Are you sure you don't want me to help you get them back out?" I asked.

"No problem and they're both staying over at mine so it won't be too hard" She laughed. She bend across and hugged me before I got out and ran into my house. My mum's car wasn't here so she's probably out seeing a friend or something. Once I got inside I went to my room and processed the night I had before me.

That moment Jai and I shared was so beautiful. It's like I've stepped into a new world where nothing can go wrong. I finally came to my senses and realised this short period of time I've got to know him has been the happiest weeks of my life.

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