Chapter Thirty Two

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The hospital. The place I least expected to be when I woke up. Nurses rushed to my side as I screamed in terror when finding that I couldn't move my body.

"Where's my Mum?" I searched frantically around the room whilst the nurses held me down, "I just want to see her. Please" I cried out, tears streaming down my face.

"Scarlet!" I heard my mum call out as she entered the room. Her arms flew around me, not daring to let go.

"W-what happened?" I whispered. My mum finally let go and sighed as she looked me in the eyes.

"You had a motorbike accident after going to your friends house. I've always hated that damn bike" She muttered the last part.

"I can't move" I glanced down at my body.

"You've broken your legs, ribs and slept for two days since the accident. It's nothing that can't be fixed from now so you'll be okay" I sighed a relief after hearing nothing major happened just when a sudden thought popped into my head.

"Mum...the dance competition"

"Scar the doctors said you can't participate in any sporting activities, dancing included, for a least three months." My heart dropped at those words, the dance competition was in 2 months. Why did this have to happen when everything was going right? I was so close to my dream and now look.

"Sweetie there's always next year" She calmly spoke, wiping my tears away.

"This year was the last one" I whispered to myself, my body felt numb.

"Your friends are outside. Should I call them in?" She asked whilst stroking my tangled hair out my face. I nodded in reply to where she walked back out the door.

Moments later Monika, Sienna, Ashley, Jessica and the boys entered. However one was missing, Jai. I felt a rush of disappointment surge through me but didn't dare to show it to the people who actually came to check on me.

"Hey" I weakly smiled at them.

"How are you feeling?" Monika said giving me a small hug.

"Weak but luckily not in too much pain" I replied, returning the gesture.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Beau exclaimed causing everyone to give him confused looks. "Why do you think you can sleep for two days while all of us are worrying?"

"Beau get out" Luke ordered causing us all to laugh.

"Well I'm sorry" I joked staring down at my legs letting out a sigh.

"What?" Sienna asked clearing seeing my mood was put off.

"I had this dance competition coming up that I can't participate in because of this mess. I've been waiting legit my whole life for it and this was the last one." I spoke followed by muttered profanities and sighs.

"Let's just hope you recover in time for th-" Jessica was interrupted mid sentence by the door opening revealing a cheerful looking doctor.

"Hello Scarlet, I am Doctor Jones and I will be helping  you recover as soon as possible throughout your stay. For now though I need to run a few scans so if you don't mind could your friends step outside for a while? And I will be back in a few short seconds." The brown haired doctor gestured towards the door to where everyone followed her back outside. However Luke trailed behind everyone else looking as if he was eager to tell me something privately.

"Jai couldn't come today. Don't be mad at him he's been staying here with you every day since the accident, the doctors literally had to drag his ass out when closing hours finished" I gave a small laugh at the thought of a huge, muscular Jai being dragged out by these small doctors. "Anyway, just trust me when I say he cares about you and if you don't see him for a while don't be mad at him. He blames himself for a lot of things but I've never seen him the way he was when he got called on the night of the accident".

"What do you mean?" I questioned giving a confused glare at Luke.

"Monika called Jai when she found out you were in hospital, he told us and we all rushed here. When he saw you lying on the bed unconscious, he lashed out. He kept repeating how this is all his fault and that he keeps bringing unneeded danger into your life. He thinks it's better for him to stay away from you." Luke didn't dare to meet my eyes which were trying their best to keep my hot tears contained.

"This is not his fault and if anything I'm the one bringing drama into his life" I exclaimed.

"No one is to blame here. I've tried talking him out of this stupid 'giving you distance' thing but he's so hung up on keeping you safe from him. Just from whatever happens don't be ma-"

"I thought I told you to leave! Go! Shoo!" Dr Jones playfully pushed Luke out the room but he gave me a knowing glance just as he left.

"Let's start shall we" Dr Jones smiled whilst connecting wires to the machines beside me.

My mind went blank but the only thing I could think of was Jai. I was slightly mad that he just decided that he's the problem for all this without actually talking to me. At least if he spoke to me I could talk some sense into him. He's bound to come and see me soon so hopefully by then it's not too late.

I would firstly like to apologise for my poor updating, I've been so busy with school that I hardly have time for anything however this book is still being continued and I would like to thank those who are still here reading it!

This book is sadly nearing to an end as there are only 2 chapters left of this crazy rollercoaster. I have really enjoyed writing this book and am quite pleased with it considering it's my first ever book written on here.

Once again I'm sorry for the slow updates and I promise the next one won't take as long. Thank you for all the likes/comments and please comment your thoughts on this as it helps to motivate me!

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