Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Please come, it'll help take your mind off things!" Jessica pleaded from the other end of the phone.

"He's gonna be there Jess! I can't" I stated, there was no way I was going to face him tonight.

"How about when we get there I'll text you of his whereabouts. You can't hold back just for him" Jessica replied. There she goes again with her persuading words.

"Fine. Let me know once you get there" I spoke hearing sighs of relief on the other end.

"Yes finally! See you soon" with that said she hung up.

As I had thought I wouldn't have any plans for this Saturday I had planned to catch up on the series 'The 100' (which I'm in love with) however the girls including Monika had been nagging me with calls all day trying to get me to go to this guy from schools party. It seems selfish of me for being so stubborn but I felt like I needed more time to rearrange my life. Now since I was going to the party, I wanted to be on my best mood which would hopefully make them happy.

From what Jessica was saying people were already starting to go to the party as it was 9pm but they were going later because as Sienna had said 'the more later it is, the more wasted the people are so the more fun it is'. I decided that I may as well start getting dressed so then I would be ready when Jessica calls me. She was right when she said I shouldn't hold back but that doesn't mean I won't do my very best to avoid him if he's there.

*2 hours later*

I was currently sitting on my bed with my short blue dress on waiting for my phone to ring. Ashley had texted me just a few minutes ago saying that they had arrived and she would call me soon meaning I had to wait for the call before I could drive there. I hadn't decided to make too much of an effort with my hair and makeup but it's enough to hide my bad features. Finally my phone screen lit up so I quickly answered it.

"Hello" I greeted.

"Scar, the boys said he came here with them but they haven't seen him around the house since" Sienna shouted over the loud music in the background.

"Oh. Shouldn't they be worried?" I asked.

"Most of them are wasted but Jai always wonders off at every party" she stated.

"Okay well I'm on my way. Josh's house right?"

"Yep see you soon!" she said just before hanging up.

I grabbed my keys and locked up before starting up my bike. Part of me wanted to 'accidentally' bump into Jai to see what he would say, that is if he even would say anything but the other half was glad that I probably wouldn't see him there. All these different contemplating thoughts had been going through my mind all week just about him. It frustrated me more than the situation itself because I didn't know what I wanted to do. I decided to try and clear my head by getting myself absorbed in the surroundings taking in every detail. Josh's house wasn't too far away but I had to go more into the main city part to get there, making the journey a little more interesting. The city lights filled the dark sky making the roads glisten, as I approached nearer his house the tall buildings faded away in distance.

A tall figure however took my attention off the road. As I came nearer to the stop light I had more time to try and recognise the strange, familiar looking figure which I noticed was a guy. Whoever it was, was walking very unsteadily and as the lights turned green the figure had crouched down on the floor leaning onto the wall next to him. I decided to pull my bike over to where he was to get a clearer view on the person. There was no one else around to help out so I hopped off myself.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" I asked approaching the person, even up close I couldn't see the person as there were no bright street lights to fill the darkness.

"Hmmmm" the figure wiped his lips before turning around to face me. As I saw his face my body completely froze. Of course out of all people in this neighbourhood, it was Jai.

"I-I didn't know it was you" I began, "I'll go" just as I was going to turn around, Jai throw up again in the same place behind him. I quickly went over to him and hesitantly tapped my hand on his back as if it would help him.

"Didn't know you were such a light weight" I muttered as I waited for him to finish.

"Fuuuuck I'm not, I drank more than I planned too" he slurred facing me, "you're helping me?" He questioned looking at my hand which was still on his back.

"S-sorry" I replied quickly pulling my hand back.

"Your hair looks nice" Jai spoke looking up and down at me. His random comment confused me but I remembered the fact that he was extremely drunk.

"Thanks. Why are you out here?" I questioned as it was around a 10 minute walk from here to the house.

"It's fucking busy and loud in there, I can't even find the boys" he spoke making a sad face.

"Do you need a ride home?" I asked without thinking.

"It's okay babe, I'm staying over night at Daniel's house so he's my ride" he replied stumbling as he pushed himself off the wall. He was about to start walking but he nearly fell back down so I grabbed his arm keeping him steady.

"Woah I think I should take you home, you can't even walk two steps and trust me they all aren't planning to go home anytime soon" I spoke talking much faster than I intended. Words were pouring out of my mouth before I even got a chance to think about what I was doing.

"Okayyyy let's get on your death machine" he spoke climbing on the bike before I could reply.

He wrapped his arms extremely tightly around my waist, to the point where I found it hard to breathe but this situation already made it difficult for me to function. His arms made my body feel warm, the feeling was so familiar but felt so right. Riding back through the city with Jai so close to me made this atmosphere feel so homely. He dropped his head onto the back on my neck, I slightly turned around to see his eyes were shut meaning he had fallen asleep. I smiled at how peaceful he looked but refastened his arms around me as I wasn't planning on having any accidents tonight.

Once we reached my home, I slowly got up causing Jai wake up.

"Mmmm" he murmured rubbing his eyes and stretching.

"We're here" I spoke walking towards the front door. Once I opened the door, I walked back towards Jai and pulled his arm around my shoulders helping him walk into my house. I shut the door behind me and continued to help Jai walk up the stairs. I regretted missing all those PE lessons at school considering Jai was extremely heavy to carry up.

"You can sleep in my be-" before I could finish my sentence Jai was already taking off his shoes and shirt to climb into bed.

I opened my wardrobe grabbing my pyjamas and some extra pillows as I planned on sleeping in my mums bed. I then grabbed my phone to send a quick text to Sienna.

Me -
Change of plans. I can't come and tell the boys Jai's with me. I'll explain tomorrow x

"Scar" Jai called after me just as I was leaving my room, "stay" he patted the empty space next to him. I froze in my spot as I stared at his sleepy face dropping to sleep. I slowly walked back towards my wardrobe and put my pillows back then switched off the light to change. I got out of my dress and put on my vest with my pyjama shorts. I hesitantly climbed into bed shuffling as far to the edge as possible. Shivers ran through my spine as Jai's arms wrapped around my waist pulling me towards him.

All that went through my mind was the fact that this was going to be awkward in the morning.

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