Chapter Thirty One

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I was a walking disaster for the past 2 weeks since my last interaction with Jai. Since then the only contact I've had with Jai was when he accidentally bumped into me in the corridor. We were avoiding each other to an extent where our friends became agitated with our behaviour.

As time went on, I had been passing my days by going to dance class. The world wide annual dance competition was getting closer and with the amount of hardcore practise our team was doing, I think we had a high chance of getting into the finals. Getting into the finals of that competition would be a dream come true considering the fact that it's a miracle I've even got a chance to participate. The routine had consisted of a girls dance followed by a guys dance then ending with Anthony (my new dance partner due to Connor avoiding the place after hearing I was back full time) and I doing a couples dance to Mario - Let Me Love You. I was nervous as hell for it but was willing to literally bring my soul into the show.

Tickets for the show had gone on sale just yesterday and as a competitor I managed to grab a few tickets to give to my family and friends. I knew for sure that I was giving Jai one considering how far I've come as a dancer all because of him.

I was currently making my way back from work to the dance studio but I was having contemplating thoughts cross my mind about going to Jai's house and giving the tickets to him and his brothers. In the end I thought to just take the risk and go considering I was passing his house anyway. Nerves were at a high as I got closer to his home. I perfectly parked my bike on the curb in front and slowly got off my bike. I took my helmet off and began to shake my long brown hair in attempt to look somewhat decent. Grabbing my tickets, I walked up and knocked on the door to be quickly greeted by Ms Brooks.

"Oh hello Scarlet! I haven't seen you in ages, what a nice surprise." She greeted pulling me into a bear hug.

"Hi Gina. How have you been?" I smiled.

"Fine thank you sweetie, come inside." I was then quickly ushered inside to where I followed her into the living room.

"Jai and the boys should be home in a few minutes so make yourself comfortable. Would you like anything to drink?" Gina asked.

"No thank yo-" I was then interrupted by a group of loud voices entering the front door.

"No you dumb cunt I wouldn't get with you even if you were the last person on earth." I heard Jai talk, clearly annoyed.

"Don't act like you're some treat to be with" Luke replied amused.

"Yeah well at least I can get a girlfrie-" Jai paused as he saw me standing in his living room, "Oh um hey Scar." He looked at me confused causing tension but the silence was soon replaced by Beau doing a low whistle.

"I came to give you guys my dance competition tickets, thought you would maybe wanna come?" I questioned instantly regretting coming here.

"Wait what?! You're performing." The smile upon his lips met his eyes but his face fell as he looked at the boys, "Follow me." I followed him back outside of his house.

"Yep I got in, here's the tickets for you and the boys," I smiled handing him the pack of tickets. "I really hope you can come. It would mean a lot."

"Thanks and I wouldn't miss it for anything. When is it?" He asked.

"About 2 months from now so we've still got a lot of time" I replied.

"How's the routine going? Think you're ready?" He smirked.

"Pretty much. We know the routine like the back of our hand but we're spending the last few weeks going over it again."

"I'm so happy for you Scar, this has been your dream since forever!" He widely smiled at me before pulling me into a hug. The gesture caused a rush of butterflies to erupt in my stomach, we stayed in the same position for a little longer before we were interrupted by the woo's coming from the living room window. We pulled apart and looked over to see all the boys at the window cheering us and giving kissey faces.

"Idiots." Jai laughed scratching the back of his head which caused his shirt to lift up allowing me have a glimpse of his toned abs.

"Well I better get going." I smiled before walking past him and waving goodbye to the boys as I got onto my motorbike.

"I'll see you later" he called out to me as I put my helmet on.

"Yep" I whispered under my breath as I gave one last wave and set off towards dance class.

The sky was starting to get dark and just to my luck, it started raining heavily. Going to Jai's house had really lifted my mood considering how frustrating it was not being able to go up and talk to him like I did before. Driving through the rainy weather with the street lights illuminating the road, I realised that I was actually content with my life. Yes, I still have problems that I need to deal with but who doesn't? At least I was in a position where I was lucky enough to let my dance dream come true with my love by my side as my friend/supporter.

Suddenly as I was drowned in my thoughts, I didn't take full notice of the car horning at me on my right but as I looked over, it was already to late. A red car was coming high speed towards me and before I knew it, the car lights blinded my vision and the last thing I came in contact with was the concrete road along with a pool of blood forming to my side. That's all I remembered before my vision went black.

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