Finding Out What You Are

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I can't exactly do this chapter. I'm a complete mess, but that's okay. I know I'm a bisexual, and that's it. I might be gender fluid, as well, but I could just be an actress that can't escape her alter egos. What. Late-Night Katie is back.

The first thing to realize is that what you say you are now is not a definite thing. Say, four years ago, I said I was straight. I might have been, but I'm not heterosexual anymore. I'm a bisexual. That's what I truly believe I am.

So that can change. You label yourself differently the more you learn about yourself. You are constantly changing. The person you are today is different from the person you were yesterday, and will be different from the person you will be tomorrow. Nothing in this world is truly definite. Remember that.

Now, if you're really stressing out about what sexuality you are, my advice is to stop caring. You'll know when it's your time. For me, it kind of hit me in the face like a bad jump scare. I knew it was coming when I was hit with it. I realized that I knew all along, but it still made me jump.

So don't stress. I know, easier said than done.

There are some things to bring it along, however. There's the usual questioning yourself. Are you attracted to females? Are you attracted to males? Would you have sex with them? Do you see yourself having sex with people? You know, the usual.

For gender, however it's different. I can't help you too much here. I don't know what I am, but I'm something. Perhaps I'm gender fluid. Perhaps I'm demi-girl. Perhaps I'm simply a feminine man. Perhaps I'm nothing at all. I don't know, but I don't really care.

I don't see genders too much. I see people. Oh look, a person. Another person. Those two people had a baby. This person likes this person. All of us are people. Why separate ourselves when we are the same? In the end, all of us are made up of the same ingredients.

Just my thoughts. You probably don't care. That's alright.

If you're super confused as to what you are, my biggest advice is to just forget about it. It'll come to you. It all works out in the end! Always.

If you would like to help me with any of this, please message me! Help is always appreciated. You all probably know the gist now. Remember, you are an amazing human being, whoever you are. You are real. You exist. You are not broken. People care about you, even when you think nobody does. Stay amazing, my lovelies!

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