I'm back. The break was really nice, not gonna lie. But I need to finish this book. The next chapter is going to be the end, even if I missed some things. Now, just because the book has ended does not mean that I won't still try and help people. My inbox will be open for as long as I'm on Wattpad.
So. Intersex. I really should have made this chapter earlier.
You may know being intersex as being a hermaphrodite. They mean the exact same thing, but I think hermaphrodite is politically incorrect now. Either way, intersex is nicer, and the more official term, one could say.
The definition says that an intersex person is one that has the reproductive organs or sexual anatomy that doesn't fit into neither male nor female. So having both or neither sexual organs of both sexes, having their chromosomes be different from their organs, having both sets of chromosomes, their outside look not matching their inner organs, stuff like that.
Some people don't realize that they are intersex until they start doing that thing where puberty happens. Must be an awkward shock. Some never know that they're intersex. Intersex covers a wide variety of people.
It's not a cut-clear thing. People decide what is intersex and what is not. Lots of people have lots of different opinions.
I read somewhere that like 1/100 people are intersex. Well, most of those people might not even know. How those people managed to get that statistic, I don't know, but approximately 8/10 statistics are made up on the spot. (I'm trying to be funny please laugh)
There's not going to be any fun and games with this one. You don't usually know when a person is intersex unless they tell you, or if you see them naked. No, they are not gross. If you think intersex people are gross, then you should think males and females are gross too.
Human bodies are just weird. Sometimes things happen, and sometimes they don't. Blah blah blah, accept people, blah blah more inspirational BS or whatever.
Just remember, even if you're one in a million, there will still be at least 7,000 people just like you. You're not alone. That sounded a lot better in my head...
The LGBTQ+ Handbook
NezařaditelnéDid you just find out that you are gay? Are you secretly a bisexual? Feeling awkward because you are transgender? Do you not have any idea about what you are? Or are you straight, and you don't know how to treat people of different sexual orientatio...