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Weekly updates are now a thing! Well, at least until I'm out of subjects to write about.

So. Apothsexual. What is it? Well, to keep it short, it's an extreme form of asexual where the human is sex-repulsed. So sex is gross and we don't do the diddly do.

"But it's sex! It's amazing!"

Sure, for you. I like to keep my bits to me, and you can keep your bits to your. I don't see the appeal in having flops of meat grinding up on each other. Kinda gross.

"You'll learn to crave sex!"

Or no? Like, ew, gross, disgusting, can we please stop no?

"You'll never find a significant other if you can't do sex."

Well, that's awkward. *Casually gets a lovely human and marries them*

"Don't be so immature, sex is natural!"

Dying is also natural, but the majority of us would like to not die, you know? And if anyone is being immature, it is you. Sex is not everything. A relationship is not just sex, it is also personalities and fun times and sad times. You can do whatever you want to do, but I'll stay here and not do any sexing around ok?

Stay afloat in this thing called life. It will all be good in the end, it always is.

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