Helping People, Part Nine!

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Before we start this chapter, I'm sure everyone has already heard of what happened in Orlando, Florida. A shooter decided to shoot up a popular gay club called Pulse, and immediately 50 people died, and 53 were injured. This was the deadliest mass shooting in American history, and it was a hate crime. This was not because the man was Muslim. It was because he was homophobic. Don't hate any race for the actions of few.

Don't let this back down from being who you are. Love will prevail. I can't speak too much more about this or I'll start crying again... Let's get into the chapter.

Yes, I do still help people. It's kind of my voluntary job. I love it, because it's usually a win win situation. I give advice, helping you, and me helping you makes me have those weird feel-good feelings.

Anyways, let's get on with this lovely human.

I'm not really sure if you're still doing the help chapter things, but I need some help with a couple of things

Ok, so my family (including me) are Christians, but I am panromantic asexual. I think. That's my first problem. I honestly don't know if I'm pan ace. Like, lately I don't really like guys, except for you know, like band members, or actors, shit like that. So I think I might be polyromantic? But I honestly have no idea. Also, I think I might be lithosexual, or greysexual. I /think/ I occasionally feel sexual attraction, but sex grosses me out, so I'm very confused.

Anyway, problem number two. So, I came out to my family last September, and I got grounded for some reason. I thought they would at /least/ be OK with me being asexual, but they were disgusted by that, too. So now my parents never acknowledge the fact that I'm (possibly?) panromantic, but choose to focus on my asexuality (which might not even exist now). They keep going on and on about "You're only 15 and someday you'll feel sexual attraction blah blah blah"
They absolutely will. not. stop.

I really don't know what to do about anything and I'm sorry this is so long but I just don't know what to dooo


So Mase is confused on the sexuality bit and their family isn't accepting of anything, really.

That's no bueno.

Let's do the sexuality first, because I find that easier to figure out. I honestly think that Mase might be a polyromantic lithsexual. That's what makes the most sense, and the safest bet. You can be pretty safe with polysexual.

Onto the family situation. I have absolutely no idea what to do, and that's why I'm making this chapter. Maybe one of you has a clue on what to do, because I don't have much experience. I'm pretty privileged in that department, since my mother is a sort of atheist. Help?

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