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-I got ran over by a car while shopping with Mahogany-
Everything came at once and you shot up. You where laying in a bed, and you knew who's. Ven's.

You saw him jolt as you sat up quickly. He was smiling and seemed to be sitting there for 4 weeks without moving." (Name)!!" He shouted and hugged you. You hugged back and closed your eyes." Nice to see you again,too." You managed threw breaths, because the guy was almost squashing you in the bear hug." Ven...can't..... Breathe!!" Vendetta let go of you and kept a concern face." So...what made me black out?" You chuckled. Ven rubbed his neck, as if unsure." Well, you turn invincible! You have space like powers and you almost killed your father!" Ven then repositioned himself and smiled nervously. You cursed. You wanted that man DEAD." What about Evan?" Ven pointed behind him." She just came back yesterday from the hospital and is now paralyzed for who knows how long..." You nodded and bowed your head. If your dad hasn't existed.... All of this wouldn't have happened. But you also wouldn't have met your Cat butler. Tears collected in your (e/c) eyes as you laid back down. You hugged as your head hit the pillow and looked over a Vendetta." Can I see her?" He nodded and wrapped his arms around you.

He carried you bridal style to a dark room with things floating. It was in the manor but it seemed too space themed. You even saw a few mini comets pass through, mini stars dancing around. It seemed to be a hologram of space pasted on everything inside the room, but it was real.

Vendetta put you down as you patted his back. You saw a wolf tail hanging,but slightly wagging, at the edge of the bed. Bunny ears poked out of the blankets that covered your sister." Evan?"

The said creature stood up but winced in pain." W-what's u-up?" She croaked. Her ears flattened on her head as her cheeks raised for an invisible smile." She's half paralyzed-"

"I'm agender you cat..." Evan said in a stern voice. Vendetta raised his arms." Not my fault I mistake ya for a female." Evan laughed and stopped immediately." Shut your trap ya Jar head...." Vendetta shrugged and kissed your cheeks before walking out." Can't believe you two are related..." He mumbled.

Jaring hater....

You looked back at Evan and saw her fuming in rage. Infact, some stars were boiling in flames as comets hit the walls fiercer." Uhh... How's being you?" You smiled nervously. Evan, plus da Galaxy, calmed down." Oh you know, the normal 'dad is a jar and I get paralyzed while fighting with cat head outside this room' scenario type..." She seemed pretty grumpy.

Yes I am...t-_-t

" so what's the space like powers I used to hurt "dad" that Ven says about?" Evan's ears perked up." Ah, you remember mom right?" Yo nod." She's a time traveler, and before she had you, she had another husband. That husband was a Galaxy type of time traveler. She had me, but later had the man die while being pregnant with you," she started. Yes started.

", then she came to Earth and had you with criminal guy, and had you. Dad kicked me out and I lived with a guy in a blue thing. Soon I came back and lived my life as a loner who sometime travels in time and space. Now we come to the present time..." A lot had to be taken in.

To be continued...

Hey so ya... I'll update later, a lil longer...

Blue thing- TARDIS

Whoever figured that out is a BIG DW fan!
And wins a picture, tell me and give me the name of something u want

Have a nice Time Vendetta x readerFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now