Telling Miss

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-be the amazing hit-man-
I woke up early,rubbing my forehead. I should leave (name) a note. I got up and wrote a note on the fridge. I ran back to my room and got dressed. I put my hair in a lose pony tail with my purple ribbon.

Scurrying down the stairs,I herd a shuffling in (Name)'s room. I stopped in my tracks. She sneezed a bit,mumbled something and started snoring. I sighed with relief and ran outside,locking the door behind me.

Soon enough, I was at the Night Terror Mansion. The great building seemed to look a bit creepy from the orange sky,but it was a great place to be at.


I sat down in the kitchen,waiting for Miss. She should be awake...." Hey,Ven! What are you doing here?" Darren asked. I raised a brow and shot a death glance at Darren." M-Mahogany was lo-looking for you a-all over the-the place..." He spoke with fear in his shaky voice." Where is she now?" I asked him.The reptile swallowed before speaking again." S-She's with F-FT..." He spoke before crawling away.

I looked around for the two,finally seeing Miss Mahogany with Mother Nature and her husband." Hey! Speak of the devil!" FT yelled over the two,because he seemed to be bored of their girly talk." VENDETTA! WHERE WERE YOU?!?!" Mahogany yelled. I rubbed my neck and tried to meet Miss' eye gaze." Well,that girl that we bumped into yesterday-"

"Yeah?!" I huffed in annoyance and continued." I had to actually help her with a few things...and now..." Mahogany shook me with her two arms. " and 'now' what?!" She yelled inpatient. I rolled my eyes,but without pupils, Miss couldn't see it." NOW she lives with me-" before knew it,I was smashed against the wall,leaving a hole with small cracks coming from it." HAHAHA!! GOOD LUCK!" She laughed her ass off and left me in the wall. Father Time came in my line of idiom with a smirk." Was it really a problem in her life?" My eyebrows knitted together. Mother Nature wiggled her eyebrows,swishing her deer tail around." least...I took the case for reasons...."

Thx for th3 comm3nts! Th3 support m3 and k33p m3 going! And if You r Khadijah that is r3ading this,w3ll brah  comm3nt and t3ll m3!!!
Anyways! I'll updat3 lat3r my childr3n

Have a nice Time Vendetta x readerFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now