01 ❁ roses

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song for the chapter: Dreamwalk - What If

What Michael should be right now is happy. Really happy. He just got a new job which happened to be his dream job. After all, all those hours of gaming and leaving his name with every big gamer he knew had finally paid out. For the last half year he was an intern in a big gaming company and now they had offered him a job as a full-time game developer. Best thing? He can work from home and he gets a steady income with which he can afford his new apartment.

The apartment he got is totally amazing and he can finally have his own gaming room. What is missing is just a kitten or two and Michael will be happy.

Or not. Michael was also lonely.

He was one of those people who constantly needed affection and love in order to be happy. That's the reason why in the last three years he hasn't been alone or single often.

Michael was a sucker for love and was only single for a few months yet there was a void deep inside him.

So maybe he thought if he got a cat that would help.

His best friend Calum would disagree.

Calum enjoyed being single and spending time with his best friend. They were friends since forever but complete opposites.

Michael's mum made her son see a therapist after his last break up and that's how Michael ended up with a small black book. She told him to write in it, a word a day, whenever he felt lonely or needy. Whenever he would saw a couple on the street and wanted to feel the same. She wanted him to create a description of a person who Michael wanted and needed. So Michael knew he had to stop experimenting. He made a promise to her and Calum. Michael needed a fresh start. Maybe new friends. And a cat.

He spends the whole weekend decorating his apartment and the end result is amazing. The whole place looks like one big man cave. Calum already called dibs on sleeping on the large couch in the gaming room and got his own snack drawer in the kitchen.

The walls were dark grey filled with posters and family pictures and cats. There was a corner just for his guitars and a small kitchen he would never use. Michael couldn't cook even if he tried.

He had to start somewhere so he took his small book and wrote down his first entry.

able to cook

He sat down on the sofa and tried to come up with more ideas and ideals to write about. Michael decided that in no way he could date someone who doesn't like cats. People who don't like cats cannot be trusted.

likes cats

In that moment he realized he was late for his chillout with Calum.

As he walked down the hallway he noticed it smelled like roses.


Chapters will be longer I hope.

I really hope you're as excited for this story as I am. :)

Comment your thought and predictions.

Question of the chapter: What colour of hair should Michael have in this fiction?

Love, Lucija

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