19 ❁ mint

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Song for the chapter: Troye Sivan - BITE

From: boyfriend
Be at my apartment at six

From: kitten Mikey ✿♡♡
LOL, I need more info babe. Are we gonna go out? Do I need my car keys? What should I dress in?

From: boyfriend
No. No. Come naked.

From: boyfriend
Kitting ;))

From: kitten Mikey ✿♡♡
Oh god, stop being adorable. And I'll get naked when you'll get naked.

From: boyfriend
Maybe we should undress each other.

From: kitten Mikey ✿♡♡
Maybe I'll bring lube.

"I bought some fancy strawberry wine," Michael yelled as he entered the younger man's apartment.

"In the kitchen!" Luke yelled back.

The blue-haired man smiled when he heard the voice he wanted to hear the whole day. Instead, he was doing numerous game plays with Aaron, who unfortunately had the most annoying voice from all the people he knew.

Michael put the bottle on the little table beside Luke's front door, leaning his weight against the door frame trying to kick out the shoes off his feet before hurrying to kiss his boyfriend's pretty face.

When he came to the kitchen he was met by a very messy kitchen and a very messy boy.

There were groceries and ingredients all over the kitchen, empty and full bowls, measuring cups, flour on every surface possible. In the middle of the whole mess was Luke who was standing there with the biggest smile and flower on his face, his cute little dimple showing.

Michael couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you doing babe?"

Luke grinned and wiped his floury hand on his pink apron with, surprisingly, flowers on it.

"We are going to make homemade pizzas," Luke said excitingly jumping from behind the counter and jumped into his boyfriend's hold.

"Lukey you got flower all over me." Michael groaned when he saw his all-black attire was now full of little white specks.

"Sorry." The blond mumbled before pressing his lips to his boyfriend's plumper ones.

The gamer sighed into the kiss, quickly forgetting about his dirty clothes and kissed his boy back. When kissing Luke, Michael felt content. Content was his favorite word and lately, he always connected it to Luke.

Michael tried to break the kiss and actually talk to Luke but he just whined and pushed his tongue into Michael's mouth.

Now Michael was always up for making out session but half holding Luke in the middle of his kitchen wasn't the most comfortable position. He replaced his hands to the blond's soft ass lifting him up enough so he was able to take a few steps and carry him to the counter where he put him down.

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