02 ❁ tulips

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song for the chapter: Blink 182 - Not Now

Michael didn't write in his little black book for a week. He didn't really have the time to since he was still settling in, moving his stuff for centimeters from where he originally placed them. He just wanted everything to be perfect.

He needed a good start and a clean, well-organized apartment was a beginning. What he also needed in his opinion was a cat.

Michael did his research and made sure he had and knew everything before deciding on adopting a kitten. He and Calum already looked through the pictures the shelter had on their website and Michael already knew which one he wanted to adopt. Calum tried to convince him into getting a black one with green eyes like he has, but Michael wanted a tabby one. He loved the color in his hair so he wanted his pet to be multi-colored, so that way he wouldn't get tricked into buying animal fur dye from the internet.

Calum was coming over after his last class and after Michael would finish work so they'd go and pick the cat up.

Somehow all of his work was finished two hours before Calum was picking him up so he needed to keep himself busy. Lying on the sofa thinking of what to do he spotted the second part of Lord of the rings sitting on the shelf where he placed it the day before. Michael knew if he started reading it he wouldn't be able to stop and if he was getting a kitten he needed to keep his priorities on her. He owned cats before but got quite a lot of new information from one of his neighbors.

A day after he moved in he had a long and exciting conversation with a lady down the hallway which owned eight cats. Her name was Ophelia and Michael could see that she was a true beauty when she was younger. Her orange hair was nicely braided and styled and all she talked about were cats and love. In her opinion cats and love was everything Michael needed for a happy life.

Michael asked a bit about their other neighbors but she admitted she barely leaves her apartment not being able to stay away from her kittens. The only person she sees is her niece and when she found out Michael was single she quickly went and showed him some pictures of her. Michael complimented her but also told the lady he wasn't looking for anything serious.

Gamer smiled at the memory of his visit but was disturbed by a loud knock on the door. He glanced at the hour and it was only one in the afternoon which meant Calum wasn't out of uni yet.

Michael slowly opened the door and was met by an older man with a big bouquet of soft pink colored tulips in his hands.

"Good day sir. I brought you the flowers you've ordered." He pushed the tulips in Michael's arms handing him a pen as well. "I need you to sign here, confirming your delivery was received." He smiled expectantly at him.

"M'sorry," Michael mumbled. "You've got the wrong address I'm afraid." He handed flowers back with a polite smile.

The man furrowed his brows glancing from the piece of paper and the number of Michael's apartment that was written above the entrance.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir. I've missed the door. They are all the same and even after delivering flowers here almost every day I still can't get them right. My apologies again. I just hope the blondie won't be angry with me if we've damaged the flowers during this exchange." The last thing he said more to himself than to Michael but he nodded anyway and said goodbye to the man who rushed down the hall.

When Michael closed the door he heard knocking down the hallway, probably where the blondie lived. He never saw this neighbor but he already knew he liked flowers so maybe this way he'll break the ice easier when he'll meet him.

He was getting the kitten but he still needed new friends.

When Calum finally arrived he was as excited as Michael. They were taking Michael's car because Calum had some friends who were allergic to cats.

When they came to adoption center they were already expected there. Calum made a joke about them being like a cute couple picking up their child. Michael wondered why he was friends with Calum more often than he probably should.

Michael was in heaven, there were so many kittens and grown-up cats he didn't know if he wasn't sure if he'll only take one home. The nice lady took him to the office where there was another woman waiting for him with the kitten he picked on the internet.

She was the cutest thing ever. She had bluish green colored eyes and fur in a million different shades of brown and grey with black tiger print. She looked scared but the second Michael got her in his hands she started purring happily and making him pet her.

Calum helped with the paperwork because he could see Michael wasn't really listening. He was too busy meeting his new companion.

Michael was playing with his kitten for an hour when he realized he was hungry.

"Calum, would you please order some pizza? M'hungry." He shouted to where Calum was, fixing up his dishwasher. He was a great friend.

"You'll die one day if you'll pizza every single day," Calum shouted back. Michael rolled his eyes picking up the cat and joining his best friend in the kitchen.

"I'm pretty sure I won't die from pizza. I have you to make me those healthy smoothies and forcing me to go to the gym once a week." The brown-eyed man smiled.

"Yeah, that's because I care about you and you should be more grateful."

"I am very grateful," Michael said hugging Calum with his free hand. He handed kitten to his friend, grabbing the phone out of his pocket. "And to show you I'll let you pick the food we'll order."

Calum grinned. "I'm in a mood for something Italian."

"Italian it is." He dialed the number of the restaurant and while waiting he grabbed his black book from the fridge and wrote down.

likes pizza

"What's her name anyway?" Calum asked referring to the kitten in his hands.


"Why Luna?"

"It means moon in Slovenian and I thought it sounded pretty. Like her."

Late at evening when Michael was trying to fall asleep with Luna cuddled close to him there were some weird moaning noises coming from the apartment next to him.

Michael wondered if maybe there were some more neighbors he had to meet.


Cat lady looks like cat lady from Catwoman and she is me in 40 years. :)

And yeah I'm sure luna means moon in many different languages but I'm gonna pretend Michael knows where Slovenia is.

Leave your feedback so I'll know what I'm doing right or wrong.

Question of the chapter: Your favorite flower?

Love, Lucija

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