10 ❁ lotuses

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Song for the chapter: Blink 182 - Pretty Little Girl

tw: smut-ish

Luke's illness, even though it brought him and Michael closer together, had left the blond boy with a bunch of bills to pay for which he didn't have enough money.

He knew he could always ask his mother for a loan or take some money from his saving account but Luke decided to work more.

He needed to work more in order to earn more money so he could cover the bills and maybe buy some new clothes. Luke wasn't a major shopping maniac but Saturday was coming soon and Saturday was the day Michael was taking Luke on their date.

The two of them didn't really see each other that much since Luke got better but they texted constantly and the older man was very concerned over the fact Luke buried himself in work so soon after his cold.

Luke's boss thought the same so she agreed on giving Luke fewer calls but with clients who normally pay more money. He still had to call Gregory since he paid a lot of money and he didn't really mind Luke not being loud. The blue-eyed man didn't dislike his regular Tuesday evening calls but his client sometimes got a bit too clingy and started to ask personal questions which Luke couldn't nor wanted to answer.

Wednesday was a horrible day for Luke. He had a lunch date with Ashton that got canceled because his co-worker was two hours late. That also meant he had no time to catch a bus to the office and had to do his evening job from home. He just really hoped Michael would have his earphones on.

Michael really hated Calum sometimes, the younger man always made sure to drag him to the fitness or on a run even if he didn't want to. And today Michael really didn't want to, he was tired and in a bad mood since he hasn't seen Luke in days. Michael had to actually go to work for meetings and it was driving him insane.

He lied tired and sweaty on his bed trying to stop his legs from shaking due to what Calum called 'leg day'. It wasn't that late but he was dead tired and he was seeing Luke tomorrow morning so he wanted to go to sleep as soon as possible so the morning would come faster.

The blue-haired man's cooling down turned into a nap and the next thing he knew he was woken up by some noise.

The noise was way too familiar and Michael quickly recognized it as Luke's moans. He was widely awake in a second because the sounds the blond boy made were angelic.

He heard them before but now he had a face he could connect with the sounds. And next to the face there was Luke's body and Michael groaned when he felt himself getting hard. All through his neighbor was shy in person the gamer started to realize he was dirtier and hornier and Michael didn't mind at all.

His mind screamed LukeLukeLuke and he couldn't help but picture Luke lying on his bed with nothing but his pretty panties on. The moans got louder and Michael cursed and quickly removed the pants and boxers from his pale body. All the pain he felt before was long gone and replaced with a painful boner he had to take care of.

Michael imagined Luke's long fingers around his length while the other hand was playing with his nipples. His pretty long pale legs Michael knew he shaved moved apart just enough so he could move the fingers from his dick to where he needed it even more. One day he hoped to be able to do that, he already fantasized about Luke sucking on his fingers the last time he got himself off. Michael wanted to pepper Luke's body with kisses and love bites showing him how much he cared and how beautiful he was. Michael wanted to make him moan and whimper even louder than he was at the moment.

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