08 ❁ iris

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Song for the chapter: My Chemical Romance - The Ghost Of You

*fluff alert*

From: Michael ✿♡
Can you please ask Ashton if he's free Friday evening?

From: Lucas
Why do you wanna know that?

From: Michael ✿♡
Just ask him, Princess. xx

From: Michael ✿♡
And stop pouting.

Luke who was indeed pouting let out a groan because Michael already knew everything there was to know about him. Well, almost everything.

He called his best friend explaining that the most beautiful man his eyes have ever seen wants to know what he, Ashton was doing on Friday. Of course, the conversation didn't end there. Luke complained to Ashton how Michael should talk with him about him, not about Ashton. All Ashton could do was laugh at his friend because anyone who would see both of the neighbors in the same room would know they were head over heels for each other.

From: Lucas
He finishes work at 4.

From: Michael ✿♡
Great. Make sure you forward this message to him.

From: Michael ✿♡
Hello, my new and old friends. It is my honor to invite you to the annual Lord of the Rings marathon this Friday, 7 pm at my place. There will be pizza but make sure to bring some comfy clothes and alcohol.
No need to confirm that you're coming because I expect you all there.
Mikey xx

From: Lucas
How do you know I have time on Friday?

From: Michael ✿♡
How do you know you're invited and I'm not just using you to deliver the message to Ashton?

Luke whined loudly when he read the message as he called Ashton again instead of forwarding the message.

Michael Clifford will be the death of him.

Luke who spend half of his life being judged on how he dressed was more than happy to know he'll spend his Friday with people who were a lot more accepting.

But maybe, just maybe he took the words comfortable a bit to serious as he showed up at Michael's doorstep in his cute pink pajamas.

He didn't bother knocking, instead, he just entered knowing the red-haired wouldn't mind.

"Hi!" He yelled into the apartment because he couldn't see Michael anywhere.

"Hey babe, I'll be right out." He heard Michael yell back from the bathroom.

The tall blond put everything he brought with him on the kitchen table and went to join Luna on the living room floor.

The kitten had grown quite a bit in the last month and the older it got more and more of Michael's personality rubbed on her. She was playful, loud and of course freaking adorable. Sometimes Luke would beg Michael to let him come over when he was working so Luke could play with the pet. It's not that gamer had anything against Luke's visits. It's just the only minus about working from home was that Michael got easily distracted. Especially when his pretty neighbor was visiting.

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