26 ❁ dahlias

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tw: hospital, injuries

Song for the chapter: Yellowcard - Only One

It's weird how one could live for twenty years of his life being one person. They teach you how to do everything by yourself, how to talk, walk, hold a fork. Your parents tell you to not be afraid of the dark, that it's good to be different, you need to learn to be polite, to not assume things, to not trust strangers.

They say you need to fall in love, first with yourself but then with everything you see. To fall in love with life, people you meet and things you see.

From all the things Luke has ever seen and from all the people he had ever met Michael was his favorite. He will never forget how his eyes sparkled when he saw him smile for the first time, how happy he felt when he was nothing but nice to him. Michael stole Luke's heart bit by bit with each day.

Everyone said they fell too hard and too fast but Luke started to love each part of himself when Michael did.

It broke his heart when one day is boyfriend send him Tumblr link with a picture that said: 'You can't love someone unless you love yourself first" Bullshit. I have never loved myself. But you. Oh god, I loved you so much I forgot what hating myself felt..'. How could Michael not love himself, how he didn't saw what Luke did? So he showed him and helped him.

So no, Luke had no idea how to live alone when he has his own moon, not when Michael was his universe.

"Luke?" Noise.

"Luke, baby?" Touches.

Luke slowly opened his eyes seeing it was all real. He was in the long white hallway, with bright lights and a strong scent of disinfectant in the air.

His cheeks were warm and hurting a bit from all the salty tears that run down over his sensitive skin in the past hours.

He blinked a few times before seeing his best friend with a concern expression on his face. Luke was awake in a matter of seconds.

"Is there any news about Mikey? Is he awake?" He tried to stand up but Calum's strong hands pulled him back into his lap where he was sleeping and crying ever since they arrived at the hospital.

"No, Lukey he's still in a coma. But his condition is stable and the doctor said he should be awake soon. Lukey... Detective Rogen wants to talk to you." His best friend's hand was holding both of his hands and Luke was squeezing them tightly.

"But... I don't know anything." The blond whispered.

He raised his head in the direction of loud steps that were coming closer. For a second he thought it was maybe Karen and Daryl, Luke couldn't imagine worst time to meet Michael's father. They both looked so upset and when he tried to explain what happened through his tears and hiccups he was sure they hated him. This all wouldn't happen in the first place if Luke and Michael never met.

It was the police.

"Mr. Hemmings, can I ask you just a few questions?"

"You lied. I don't trust you."

"Luke!" Calum raised his voice. "I know you're angry but you need to help the police so they can find whoever did this to Michael before he hurts anyone else."

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