03 ❁ sunflowers

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song for the chapter: Mumford and Sons - I Will Wait

Michael didn't sleep at all that night. He was curled against Luna and her soft purrs lulled him to sleep only to be awoken a minute later.

First, he heard whimpers and he tried really hard to ignore them. It didn't help, they only got louder and louder.

He sat up slowly rubbing his eyes awake. Well awakening himself from a minute of sleep shouldn't be that hard but Michael was very tired, his bed very comfortable and Luna's purrs like a lullaby to his brain.

Maybe someone was crying Michael asked himself, maybe someone needed help.

Following the whimpers, there was talking. No yelling so this was good Michael presumed, he didn't want someone to get hurt but he didn't feel confident enough to go and knock on someone's door. Maybe he would call Calum, and if there would be screaming he would call the police.

His thoughts of someone crying from sadness or fear were replaced as the sound change to loud moaning.

Make up sex?

Michael mentally facepalmed himself. It was sex from the beginning and the person definitely didn't need his help.

He groaned and stood up to go and pick one of his wireless sound blocking earphones from his gaming room.

The redhead knew he probably looked ridiculous and his hair will be a mess in the morning but he had to work the whole day on this new game so in order to be productive he needed at least ten hours of sleep.

Michael cuddled to his kitten again, her warmth and softness working like a charm. Without hearing the person's last loud scream of pleasure he fell back asleep.

Michael's mother was caring and loving but sometimes one of the most annoying people in the world. She worked from home as well and she made her life mission on knowing as much about her son as possible. Someone (Michael was pretty sure that this someone was Calum) told her about him testing video games all day long and she knew her son well enough to know he wouldn't leave his apartment.

So, of course, the second Michael started winning one of the boss levels, trying to make sure the level was beatable she called.

The talk was long. It consisted of his mum screaming and Michael complaining. Karen made him write everything down.

Walk to the store. Get groceries. Buy cat stuff. Play with the cat. Shower. Work out. Make friends.

It was a to-do list. As much as he wanted to argue with her at least she didn't put the therapist on the list.

This made him remember his black book which he had put on the fridge the last time he ate pizza. As soon as he wrote down what he needed to, he changed his clothes and made his way to the store.

someone who isn't like my mother

When he got back he had way too many bags of stuff he didn't need. That made the task of opening the front door without putting anything down impossible. So Michael had to drop some things down in order to unlock his apartment.

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