24 ❁ rosemary

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Song for the chapter: Halsey - Colors

tw: smut

"So you don't know who it was?"

"Not yet." The detective, whose name was Charles something something. The only thing Michael paid attention to was the blond on his lap who was nervous ever since he picked him up from the show rehearsals.

"We have a list of people from Mr. Hemmings's workplace, current, and ex, from the theatre he's performing at, neighbors and even people from his classes."

Luke didn't mind that Mr. Rogen didn't address him while he was talking because then Luke would actually have to look him in the eyes. Instead, he let Michael ask all the questions and stared at his lap where his and his boyfriend's hand were intertwined. They were holding hands ever since the blue-haired man picked him up, the only trouble being Michael having to change the gears with his hand almost immobile.

In Luke's opinion, Michael had the cutest fingers on the planet, they were short and not as thin as his. But they were decorated with pretty tattoos, they were a pro at playing computers games, guitar and fingering Luke. So Luke had nothing to complain about. They also fitted perfectly in his hands.

"So what do we do now exactly?" It was Michael who asked the question again.

"Since we're not a hundred percent sure that the attack or however you want to call it was personal we can't actually bring anyone in. We didn't find any indicators that the person who did this left any traces so for now we just wait if anything new happens."

"We're just supposed to wait?!" Michael tried to stand up from the rush of anger that made his bloodstream a lot quicker than it should be. The only problem was that he forgot he had a light but still tall man situated on his lap, plus Luke was quick to squeeze his hands lightly in order to calm him down.

"Mr. Clifford I don't want to be rude but the only reason we are having this conversation or should I say the reason we're taking this investigation any further is that I have a gut feeling that this was something more than just an accident. We have over dozens of open investigations with a lot more leads and which are a lot more important. But we are still doing anything we can to resolve this case as well. I know you care a lot about Mr. Hemmings but for now, I want you to both stay close and Mr. Hemmings should be with someone at all the time just in case. If you two go to work or get separated by it then make sure you're with more than one person in the room. And this is all I can say to you for the time being."

The last part of his long speech was addressed to Luke and at that moment he actually looked up and nodded.

"Call me if you notice anything unusual, out of the order. Also, you can e-mail, text or call me if you think we should add anyone extra to the list."

"Thank you, officer," Luke said with a quiet voice and honest smile.

He stood up, pulling his boyfriend up with him.

Michael mumbled something that maybe sounded like thank you and goodbye but only if you imagined it well enough.

The next time Luke actually looked at his boyfriend's face was when they were out of the station. He could feel the anger radiating from him so all he wanted was to get him out of the station before he would do anything stupid.

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