06 ❁ gerberas

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song for the chapter: One Direction - Infinity

Michael was fascinated by Luke every day. The blonde was currently cooking chili in his kitchen while Michael was making a list of things the other man should know while taking care of Luna.

The redhead and his kiwi friend were leaving the next day and he made sure everything was packet so he could spend quality time with his lifesaver alias his kitten-sitter.

They knew each other briefly and even though Michael already considered them being friends, his mother and therapist both said that in order for them being friends Michael needs spend time getting to know them.

So that's how after Luke mentioned he makes amazing Mexican food they set a 'friendly' date at Michael's place. Calum was absolutely devastated because he wasn't included in the plan but said he'll live if Michael won't forget to invite him to their wedding. After saying that Michael didn't fail to kick him off the couch.

"She's so cute," Luke said, referring to Luna who was sitting on one of the chairs while both boys were enjoying their dinner.

The pet's owner had to bite his tongue to prevent the 'you're cute' comment coming out of his mouth. Ever since the cheek kiss, his adorable neighbor was a blushing mess around Michael and the older man felt like he should learn to control himself around Luke. He was taken anyway, judging by the sounds that Michael heard every night.

"She is. I'll miss her a lot." Michael pouted slightly.

"It'll only be two days and she'll be in great hands." The cook for the night beamed.

The older of the two couldn't help but laugh. "She will be. Let's just hope I'll be drunk enough to forget her and not call you every fifteen minutes.

"I'll send you daily updates and cute snapchats like promised. Do you like the food?" Luke asked almost nervously while fixing his flower crown.

"It's heavenly. I would hire you to cook for me every day if I could afford it. Where did you learn anyway?"

"Oh, it's a stupid reason." Luke blushed.

"Well, now I'm even more intrigued. Tell me." Michael wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Only if you promise not to laugh at me."

"Never." Michael wasn't the best at keeping his promises but he always made them.

"Ever since I was a little boy I really wanted to get married. Like a fancy classic all-out type of wedding. I had this book in which I would put all these nice pictures from magazines and all different bouquets and centerpieces. It was beautiful if I say so myself."

Michael couldn't help but grin at the boy's cuteness.

"But then one day I decided to bring it to school to show it to my teacher who was just about to get married. Two of the boys in my class decided that a boy shouldn't keep a book like that and destroyed it, called me an abomination and told me that no one will ever want to marry me."

"Luke I'm sorry."

"It's alright." Luke smiled without a trace of hurt in his eyes. "Both of them got punished by the teacher, a girl they both like told them she would never kiss monsters like them and my mum bought me a new even prettier wedding planner."

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