16 ❁ lavender

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Song for the chapter: Bullet For My Valentine - All These Things I Hate

tw: smut


That's how Luke felt.

Things were still weird between him and Michael, he noticed the older man just stare at him sometimes but they were both working on them.


That's how the blond felt when he got a text from his boyfriend saying he'll visit with his cat in five minutes to watch Supernatural.

Supernatural normally meant cuddles and the couple didn't cuddle or hug in a while. And there was absolutely nothing Luke missed more than the safe feeling of Michael's hands around him and his plush lips pressed against Luke's skin.

The couple was currently sitting on the sofa, Luke's long smooth legs resting on Michael's lap.

They were watching the first season and the blond couldn't help but find most of it way too scary for him to watch. He loved the show but he would much rather listen to Jensen's hot voice than to screams of ugly monster the two hotties were hunting.

The green-eyed man noticed Luke's distress so he started tracing different shapes on his legs to calm him down. Luke's skin was soft and pale and beautiful and Michael couldn't really help himself but to change his focus from the TV to the beauty his boy had to offer.

"Didn't know you had a tattoo," Michael said quietly, not wanting to scare Luke.

"Huh?" Luke turned to him and saw what he was referring to.

"Oh, Ashy draw that for me. We went to the carnival and I drew a heart on his wrist which he later got tattooed so I ask him to tattoo this on me."

Michael smiled. He loved the friendship they had, they weren't as close as he and Calum were, but ever since Luke explained what Ashton did for him he respected him on a higher level.

"Does it mean friendship?"

"No, it has many meanings but I used to use lavender scented candles and soaps to calm me down when my anxiety hit. So it's a reminder that everything's gonna be okay."

"It's pretty. Calum has a tattoo that says You'll never walk alone, it's actually an anthem of his favorite football club but it has a lot more meaning to him."

They were quiet after that again, but after a minute Michael crawled behind Luke and cuddled him close.

"When do you work tomorrow?" The older man whispered.

"I actually have an audition tomorrow... a call at four then I'm free.."

"Can I pick you up at six so we can go to the movies?"

Luke appreciated how Michael didn't mention or ask about his job, any of them when they talked.

"Sure, what do you wanna watch?"


Luke giggled. "I'm pretty sure you watched that movie at least ten times."

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