05 ❁ violets

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song for the chapter: Good Charlotte: I Don't Wanna Be In Love

"This must be a new record Mikey, you're already in love with the boy." Calum mocked when Michael called to tell him all about his afternoon with Luke.

"I am not." He answered in anger, but happy his best friend couldn't see him because he was definitely blushing.

"He's just nice and shy.."

"And we both know how much you like shy boyfriends," Calum concluded.

"Shut up." Michael huffed. "I'm pretty sure he has a boyfriend anyway."

"Why would you think that?" Calum asked as nosy as always.

"I swear I saw this Ashton guy more times than I did Luke." Michael tried to be casual about it.

"I thought you liked this Ashton guy. Are you jealous Michael Clifford?"

"No, I am not." Michael was sulking now and Calum knew better than to keep upsetting him.

"So anyway, did you already decided what to pack for next week?"

Gamer furrowed his brows trying to remember what he should pack for.

"Michael... I hope you didn't forget."

"Ups?" Michael said.

"It's my cousin's bachelor party and you're my plus one." The younger man sighed. "You're going, don't even fight me on this one."

"I remember. I'll go, Cal, if I promised. I just hope my mum will be able to take care of Luna." Michael stood up from his bed and went to scribble it down on his calendar so he wouldn't forget. Again.

"Or you could always ask Luke," Calum suggested. "You told me he loves Luna and maybe in return you could take him to dinner."

Michael used to love Calum being his ultimate wingman, but he only knew Luke for a day and the boy was already dreaming about the two of them having kids together.

"Stop acting stupid. I'll call my mum and if she won't be able to take her I'll ask Orphelia." Michael decided.

"I'm not stupid, I'm just trying to help." Calum hated how Michael always called him stupid, in his mind he was the ultimate best friend.

"Anyway if Luke isn't the man of your dreams. I talked to my cousin yesterday and he told me your high school crush is coming as well."

In his mind Calum jinxed it.

Somehow Luke was his only option to take care of Luna. His parents were leaving for vacation and one of Orphelia's cats had an infection so she wouldn't take Luna.

So it was either Luke or pet care.

It made sense to ask Luke. Luna liked Luke and he lived next door to him so Michael could just give him his keys to his apartment. He trusted him enough to do that and in this case, he didn't have to move all of his cat stuff while Luke could just check up on her in his apartment.

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