04 ❁ poppies

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song for the chapter: Nick Jonas feat. Demi Lovato - Avalanche

Blaming himself for everything was sort of Michael's talent. Normally he would blame himself for things he had absolutely no impact on.

The red-haired man would blame himself if his favorite team lost when he was watching the game when a game he didn't review with five starts good denied or when his favorite character in a book would die and similar sceneries.

This time was different. This time he had every right to blame himself. When he got home from yet another homeware store he had opened the door and let Luna ran away.

Michael searched through the whole complex building, searched the entire neighborhood but with no luck.

Even Ophelia hadn't seen her and scolded Michael for being so careless. The gamer was on the verge of crying when he returned to his apartment and decided to call Calum. He needed to find Luna. She was just a little kitten probably hiding somewhere waiting for Michael to find her.

Entering his apartment he searched for his phone and dialed Calum when he checked the time he realized he'll have no luck reaching the Kiwi man. He never picked the phone when he was at work.

Michael sat on his sofa thinking what he could do. The plan was to either go out and search for Luna, or he could sit here and cry about it.

Just as he decided to go out again his doorbell announced there was someone at the door. He rubbed his eyes and went to open them.

Michael was greeted with the best thing he ever saw. There he was, blond haired and blue eyed angel holding his precious kitten.

"This one came to visit me and the lady down the hall informed me it was yours." His voice was one of the most beautiful things Michael has ever heard.

Michael offered the man his biggest grin and reached forward just in time to catch Luna, who probably wanted to go and eat but she wouldn't get away before cuddling her now happy owner.

"Thank you. A lot." Michael said staring at the blue orbs. "You just became my new favorite person." He told him truthfully.

The blond man blushed, confirming Michael's thoughts on him being the cutest thing he ever saw.

"I'm Michael." He finally said letting Luna go and offering his hand to the stranger.

"I know. I'm Luke." He mumbled shaking the offered hand.

Michael smiled at him. "So I'm already famous around here."

"Oh." Luke blushed again after realizing that what he just said might sound a little creepy. He bit his lip and looked at the floor. "Ashton told me that he met you. And cute, red-haired is quite a good description to go by."

Now it was Michael's time to blush but he hoped Luke didn't notice.

"Umm... Do you wanna come in?" Michael offered.

The younger man's eyes gleamed and he nodded, walking inside behind Michael.

"You just get comfortable and I'll get us something to drink." The host showed Luke to the living room and started his way towards the kitchen. Halfway there he turned asking his guest. "Will lemonade be okay?"

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