09 ❁ daisies

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Song for the chapter: Fall Out Boy Feat. Demi Lovato - Irresistible

tw: no smut but some dirty talking

Ever since Michael told Luke that he's been hearing the sounds his moans and whines, the blond decided it's better for him to work from the office. Yes it's weird and yes he feels uncomfortable but Michael became way too important for him. He can't risk Michael finding out.

Ashton didn't agree with Luke, he thought the younger man should tell Michael about his job because with the two of them getting more and more involved there were more questions about Luke's whereabouts. One thing that didn't help was Luke being a horrible liar. One evening Michael came to visit him at the flower shop but the boy was all across the city working the hotline.

When confronted Ashton had to step up and lie to Michael because Luke instantly began to blush.

But no, Luke wasn't ready to tell Michael about his job.

"Hi princess how are you?" The man said with a kind, loving voice.

"Good evening Gregory, I'm fine how are you?" Luke responded with his cute but seductive voice.

"Better now that I'm talking to my baby boy. I've missed you."

"Princess missed his daddy as well."

Luke was an actor and that's what he did when working. He acted. All the whimpering, moaning, all the dirty words were pure acting.

And he was good at it.

Ten minutes into the conversation one of Luke's regulars was already coming for the first time. But there was still fifty minutes to go.

"Will baby boy now finger himself for his daddy?" Gregory whispered sweetly and Luke knew he had to step up his game. He always got paid extra when he acted to finger himself.

"Anything for you daddy. But you gotta tell your princess what to do. Will you help me? Please daddy." He whimpered like he was already half hard.

He wasn't.

"Want you the suck on your fingers and make them all wet for me.."

He made Gregory come three times in an hour while he broke his solitaire record twice.

Luke was sick.

After finishing all the exams and working more at the flowers shop while still trying to fit his other job into his schedule and see his friends everything got too much so his body broke down.

He looked and felt horrible, always sneezing and coughing he was sure he was close to death.

The only good thing was that he had Ashton and Michael taking care of him 24/7.

When Ashton was working Michael came to pick him up and Luke spend most of the days lying in Michael's gaming room. While Michael was working Luke observed him.

The sick boy was cuddled into Michael side breathing in Michael's smell. To Luke, Michael smelled better than any flower or candle he ever purchased. He would pay a lot of money if he could buy a flower or a candle that smelled like Michael does. Luke had the luck to always have Michael near enough.

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