11 ❁ daffodils

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Song for the chapter: Tom Odell - Another Love

"We need to talk." The younger man said as soon as Michael opened his eyes.

"I don't wanna talk." Michael pouted as he was met by his best friend sitting on his bed waking him up.

"Well it's not about wanting something it's about needing it," Calum said with a soft voice, knowing he won't come anywhere by preaching Michael things be already knew.

He grabbed the blanket and lifted it so he could cuddle next to Michael.

"Move over sunshine."

The blue haired man groaned loudly but scooted his ass to the wall anyway.

"Where my baby?"

"I bribed her with new catnip toy so we'll be able to talk in peace."

Michael couldn't help but grin. "Always thinking about everything are you?"

"It's not like I have a choice, do I? Last time I tried telling you to stop eating so much pizza she bit me." The tanner man said with an annoying voice. The truth was, he loved the cat and her owner to pieces.

"Well, she loves me." Michael smiled proudly.

Calum big sponed his best friend. "It's hard not to."

Michael had the best friend in the whole world.

Calum squeezed the other boy closer.

"We really do need to talk Mikey."

"I know." He sighed. "But naps first, talk later."

Michael was awoken by soft purring noise next to his head and a smell of earl grey. He slowly turned around seeing Calum was no longer there but he still wasn't alone in the bed.

As soon as she realized she had her owner's attention Luna jumped on Michael's belly demanding cuddles.

Her owner could help but smile and picked the kitten and his cup of tea up going on a search for his best friend.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Calum smiled the second he saw Michael.

"What's cooking good looking."

He let Luna go and she quickly found her way towards little pink lion toy that was filled with catnip. The gamer walked to the counter table where Calum was just serving up two big smoothie bowls.

"Ew healthy food." Michael teased.

"Well I can make you pancakes and bacon if you want me to but don't complain how fat you are the next time you and lover boy will have a date."

Food looked amazing and Michael knew the girl who'll get to marry tattooed boy will be the luckiest, next to Ophelia probably.

"So will you start or do I have to?"

"I'm not really a hundred percent sure what exactly are we suppose to be talking about." He mumbled quietly looking at his food.

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