27 ❁ poinsettias

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Song for the chapter: The Fray - How to save a life

Sometimes things in life don't work out and all you can do is move on. That's life.

Sometimes life will give you another chance to make things better.

Sometimes life will take away something you took for granted and will never give it back.

But the thing is Michael believed in karma. Maybe it was the memory from the 6th grade when a boy Michael had gym class with took pictures of him in his underwear. When he wanted to share them on Myspace he also managed to share his nudes and let's just say he wasn't as gifted as Michael.

Michael would often think about karma, but the term crossed his mind even more ever since he has met Luke. There's no secret that Luke suffered a lot through his twenty and some years of living. Blue eyes and a beautiful smile seemed to fix every crack in his heart and brightened up every dark thought.

He knew it was karma the second he saw his boyfriend's scared face when his eyes saw the shards of glass lying on the floor of his apartment.

All the good and the bad in Michael's life may seem to level when his eyes closed but there wasn't just his happiness at stake. It wasn't just his life that karma needed to take care of. Maybe it was karma or just answered prayers of his loved ones.

Michael was a strong person that karma needed alive, he was the person Luke needed to live.

There are many memories that will stick with someone for the rest of their lives. For Michael, the first memory he remembered clearly was when he saw a little ball of fur on the street when he was four and decided to bring it home. The clearest was probably when he scratched his hand when falling down when climbing the tree and a Maori boy with brown eyes took his hand and gave him a Toy Story bandage.

Another memory that will last forever was made that day.

There was no way Michael will ever forget the banging in his head that was caused by loud beeping somewhere near his head. The beeping became completely unimportant the second he opened his eyes, blinking away the pain that strong neon lights were causing, his orbs slowly traveled down his body to the part he felt pressure on.

The love of his life was sleeping on a chair next to the bed, the blond mess of hair and the head the hair belonged to was resting next to his hip while Luke's hand was laced with his own.

At that moment Michael felt so much love for his boyfriend he was sure it'll replace the headache he had.

Even though it hurt he smiled and lightly squeezed the long fingers that were entangled with his.

"Lukey." The voice that came out seemed nothing like his, it was raspy and Michael realized he had two tubes in his nostrils that made it hard for him to breath while talking.

"Luke, baby." He tried again with a bit stronger voice followed by a strong squeeze of his lover's hand.

After a second the blond mop of hair started to move and Michael's eyes were welcomed by the beautiful blue eyes that were clearly puffed up by crying. To Michael, he still seemed like the most beautiful thing in the entire world.

"Michael?" Luke asked carefully. He had dreamed about this moment every time he closed his eyes for the last three days and after each of them the pain he felt enlarged.

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