15 ❁ dandelions

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tw: slurs

Song for the chapter: Shawn Mendes - Stitches

It's not really a secret but people change.

For different reasons, good or bad, there comes a time in your life when you decide to change a big or small part of your behavior or looks again for good or for bad.

Luke knew the-not-secret but had never experienced a force or a need to change. Yes, he was called many mean, very mean things but he always sucked it up and stay somewhat true to himself.

Fag, trannie, freak, ugly, weird.

With time he got used to listening to them but it didn't mean it hurt any less. His skin got thicker, he could go for days without crying.

Then he met Ashton. When he was sixteen he decided he wanted a lip piercing, but not even to fit in like some people may think. He found and bought this pretty lip piercing that had a sparkly princess crown on and he knew it would make him look pretty. The second he stepped into the tattoo shop the older boy complimented him and was one thing Luke never experienced from people, nice.

Ashton was a source of giggles. Kind, funny, protective and to Luke, the best friend he could ever imagine.

Life got better after meeting him but Luke didn't change who he was. He still had ups and downs, still had bad self-esteem and sometimes cried himself to sleep wishing to be normal.

Now Michael.

Michael was different.

He was Luke's light. Made him feel special and loved and beautiful.

Life with Michael around was like finding himself for the first time. The blue-eyed man actually believed it. Believed he was pretty and special. With Michael, he was everything he ever wanted to be. He was Luke.

It was not a secret that Michael changed him. Everyone noticed it, his mother, Ashton, his co-workers and even his brother just over the phone.

But the blond didn't mind the change. Because when you find someone who makes you feel beautiful for the first time in your life you can't just let someone like this go, can you?

Michael didn't call.

It was almost evening and Luke's phone didn't ring once.

He called in sick at the flower shop and texted everyone he thought could contact him to leave him alone for the day because he was expecting an important call.

It was 5 PM and when Michael still didn't call, Luke made a decision.

He will not let Michael go. He will fight and if he loses he'll at least know he tried his best.

Luke changed into jeans and lilac sweater, grabbed the letter from his bedside table drawer before leaving his apartment.

Another change Michael was responsible for. Luke felt brave and strong.

Those few meters from his to the beautiful boy's doors seem much longer than normal and Luke would lie if he would say he wasn't nervous but got excited just to see Michael. His presence calmed the younger boy, even when the day before he was screaming at Luke, all he could think about was what to say to win him back. How to fix things.

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