22 ❁ heather

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Song for the chapter: Halsey - Colors

Luke was woken up by a wet tingly sensation all over his face and neck. There were wet drops falling down on his soft, sleepy skin and the oh-so-familiar smell of his favorite person filling his nostrils.

"Morning princess," Michael whispered into the crook of his neck placing another ten soft kisses on the younger boy's neck and face trying to wake him up.

The blond couldn't help but smile as he stretched his arms blindly around his boyfriend pulling him close with his eyes still closed.

"Morning boyfriend." He whispered, humming at the sensation of the plump lips on him leaving small declarations of love all over his skin.

Michael chuckled sending vibrations to Luke's body, waking him up a bit more.

"Why did you shower without me?" The younger man asked with a soft voice that beamed of stubbornness as he sensed the wet hair and the lack of clothes on his boyfriend was due to the fact he showered.

"I'll make it up to you with cuddles and kisses," Michael promised with an Eskimo kiss, loving the way their skin felt together.

"I think I deserve a blowjob."

Michael gasped and removed himself from the firm grip making Luke open his eyes from the shock of the sudden movement.

"Don't say I am to one who has corrupted you. When Ashton finds out he'll ruin my next tattoo."

Luke giggled and to Michael, it was like sending a ray of sunshine through his veins.

"No, but really," Luke asked tracing his fingers over Michael's pale, relaxed face. "Why didn't you woke me up, I would have loved to join you."

"I wanted you to sleep in since you have to work the late shift. I have to go to work to pick up this weeks assignments and to the shop to pick us some breakfast. I won't be gone for more than an hour I promise."

Michael lowered himself to press a kiss to the forehead of the man who changed his world.

"Then blowjobs." Luke grinned.

"I would love to make you scream my name like you did yesterday." The gamer teased biting the skin beneath his boyfriend's jaw making him shiver. " But Ashton called earlier announcing he's kidnapping you for the day, something about you two needing to do something and having lunch with his family."

"Ashy's coming?" Luke's face lit up, his best friend was on some tattoo convention with Calum last week and if it wasn't for Michael and Luna, Luke would go crazy from missing him.

"Yes, princess. He's coming around in a few, we will have breakfast together then I'm going to work and you two will have your own adventure."

It was like Christmas morning for Luke, an amazing morning after an amazing evening.

"Now sleep some more so you won't have to overdose yourself with caffeine when you'll have to work."

With a kiss on the lips and exchange of 'i love you-s,' Michael made his way towards the door.

"Hey, Mikey?" Luke said with soft sleepy voice.

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