13 ❁ orchids

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me a month ago: I'll finish editing this by the end of the year

me now: when the hell did I had time to update twice per week with 2-3k words long chapters in 2015?


Song for the chapter: State Champs - Elevated

"How in the world could you not tell me this?" Michael said in shock.

Luke wasn't sure if his voice was excited or angry, but he did feel like he did something wrong.

"You never asked." The blond pouted, he wanted to go and cuddle Michael and definitely not to talk about this.

"Yeah but that's something so cool you should have told me." Michael was still insisting that he was right. And Luke would gladly tell him everything that'd make him happy or excited but he couldn't really read his mind.

"Oh, and what was I suppose to say? Hi, I'm Luke your neighbor and oh my God did you know that my best friend Ashton works in a tattoo shop?" Luke was clearly annoyed by the fact that his now, boyfriend found his best friend that interesting.

Michael wanted a new tattoo for the longest time and when he and Luke came over to his place Luke saw him checking some tattoo shops he told him Ashton works in one. And for Michael that was a big deal. His tattoos were all planned out for months if not ever years before he got them. From the design to the place and the artist that will do the tattoo. They were something that you'll have on your skin preferably forever and the green-eyed man wasn't that stupid to have his ex's name or something worse inked on his body.

He chuckled when he saw how worked up his pretty boy sounded and stood up from the sofa towards where the Luke was standing.

"Babe I'm not attacking you for not telling me I'm just surprised." Michael hugged his boyfriend who just finished work and melted quickly into his hold.

If anyone would ask Michael how Luke smelled at that moment he would say flowers and sunshine but the truth was he smelled like flower fertilizer mixed with his perfume.

"You look tired," Michael admitted placing his hands on Luke's shoulders and started to knead the tight muscles. The blond let out a moan because of how good it felt and let his head drop on Michael's shoulder.

"Come on, let's cuddle and nap and then we'll call Ashton and make an appointment for my tattoos."

"But I smell." The blue-eyed man complained.

"Like a rainbow."

Luke didn't say another word because he was tired and taking naps with Michael was possibly the most relaxing thing he ever tried. He could always shower later.

He let his boyfriend pull him on top of him while they laid on the sofa. Luke rested his head on top of Michael's chest while the other man spread his legs enough so Luke could fit like a puzzle on top of him.

"I have a great taste in boyfriends." Luke yawned against the older one's neck.

Michael giggled. "Why's that?"

"You're the comfiest pillow ever, and the best at cuddling."

"Are you calling me fat?" The blue-haired man teased.

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