28 ❁ forget-me-nots

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Song for the chapter: Troye Sivan - Happy Little Pill

"Think it no more;
For nature, crescent, does not grow alone.
In thews and bulk, but, as this temple waxes,
The inward service of the mind and soul
Grows wide withal.

Perhaps he loves you now,
And now no soil nor cautel doth besmirch
The virtue of his will: but you must fear,
His greatness weigh'd, his will is not his own;"

Luke's monologue was interrupted by loud clapping that made him drop the flowers he was holding in his hands.

"Easy there princess." His significant other chuckled. "It's just me, your prince."

Luke turned around and saw the most wonderful and beautiful man in the world.

Michael's head was still wrapped with bandages and the way his blue hair was sticking out in patches reminded Luke of forget-me-nots that Michael grew in a pot on his window sill.

He smiled widely at the center of his universe but before he could come any closer and kiss him Michael started talking.

"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,

The more I have, for both are infinite."

He bowed and made another two steps to do what his boyfriend wished him to. As their lips parted Luke giggled.

"That's Romeo and Juliet and my play is Hamlet."

Michael rolled his eyes. "Is close enough baby boy. I don't know any lines from Hamlet and I'm sure that Hamlet doesn't have as good dedications of love like Romeo."

Luke pecked the plump lips again. "I love your original dedications of love a bit more."

The smirk that appeared on Michael's face spoke more than his words, still, his hands traveled to Luke's ass.

"You mean the ones I make when I'm buried deep inside you or when you work your magic with your pretty mouth." He whispered into Luke's ear.

Luke squealed, he could feel himself getting hard and the fact that Michael's lips were touching his neck didn't help at all.

"Okay, you horndogs let's go."

The actor got scared for the second time in the short period, glancing over to see Ashton looking at them with an amused expression on his face.

A blush covered his cheeks and he pressed his face against his boyfriend's jacket.

"Why is he here?" He mumbled to his boyfriend, but loud enough that his best friend heard him as well.

"Because I'm not cleared by the doctor to drive yet so I called Ash." Michael smiled clearly proud of himself.

"Michael!" Luke said lightly pushing his boy away. "I could have walked to the theater, you didn't have to call Ashton for that."

The green-eyed man pouted. "But I wanted to see my baby boy before his big show."

Ashton giggled behind them. "I don't mind Luke, we're going to pick up Calum after dropping you off and we'll go for a drink before the show tonight."

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