07 ❁ peonies

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song for the chapter: The All-American Rejects - Move Along

Luke knows he shouldn't be this upset. Just because he wanted to kiss Michael's pretty plump lips that doesn't mean Michael wants to kiss him as well.

The blond would lie if he'd say he expected to see Michael making out with some annoyingly handsome guy on his snapchat story.

Luke couldn't really see the other man's face but after closing the app he went on Facebook to see the Michael being tagged on a group picture from the wedding. There was his neighbor again sitting on this man's lap.

Luke refused to leave the bed for the whole day. When Ashton called to hang out he pointed out he had to kitten-sit Luna and when his mother called to chat he said he had a lot of college work.

Which was true, just instead of doing his homework, he had spent his whole day in bed with a big buck of ice cream and a purring cat next to him, watching Supernatural.

It was getting close to three PM when his phone buzzed and Luke would gladly ignore it if Luna wouldn't decide to knock the buzzing thing off his bedside table. In hopes of saving his precious new phone, he accidentally opened the text. There was no way back now.

From: Michael
Woke up with the worst hangover ever expecting to see loads of cute pictures of you and Luna yet there was none. :(

Luke read the message and could barely hold himself back from throwing it on the floor himself. Michael was so adorable he could just imagine him pouting in bed when checking his phone in the morning. What Luke also could imagine was Michael pouting in bed when lying in it with someone else.

From: Lucas
Well, I expected to see loads of pictures of flowers and cute messages from you to Luna but you probably know there were none.

Luke knew he had absolutely no right to be angry. Michael didn't even snap those pictures to him. He did get a text around 4 AM he still couldn't decode. It said Lckas mw thmks ur cyte. Like what was that even suppose to mean.

From: Michael
Oh shit.

From: Michael
I'm sorry you had to see that I was very drunk and I may have kissed my high school bully just to show everyone that he didn't really think being gay was wrong.

From: Michael
Awful kisser.

If Michael for any reason thought that would make Luke any less annoyed he was very wrong.

From: Michael
At that point, Calum took me back to the hotel and threw me under a cold shower and I'm pretty sure I spend the rest of the night being sick over the thought of his lips.

From: Michael

From: Michael
I'll never drink again.

And that made Luke feel better just a bit better. Good enough for him to actually climb out of bed and take a shower. He had an essay to write and he also had to work that evening. Something he wasn't looking forward at all.

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