25 ❁ clovers

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Song for the chapter: The Killers - Romeo and Juliet (cover)

The gamer was enjoying life way too much at this moment.

Somehow he managed to do all his week's work until Thursday lunch which meant he could plan some little getaway for him and Luke. The blond was working hard on his diploma from performance and art, the play and still managed to work at the flower shop every single day. Michael often told him he needed a break but with what happened a week ago he was trying to keep busy as much as possible.

Also if he worked more often there was less chance he would have to work the evening shift alone, even if his boyfriend usually joined him to keep him company the actor still didn't like it when Travis would come around to nag him.

So yes, Michael had three and a half days free off work, meaning he was now sitting on the sofa with a big plate of leftovers lying on his lap and Supernatural playing on the screen. He ate so much of this rosemary lasagna already but it was just so good and he was sure he could go to the gym tomorrow to balance things out.

On the coffee table in front of him was lying his book, opened since he wrote in it not that long ago. He added great cook and amazing at blowjobs to his list. Michael really hoped that by tomorrow he'll be able to add gets along with the parents since the pair was visiting the Clifford's later that day. His mum already loved his boy and he was sure his dad will as well.

He has dated many people who didn't get along with his parents before but the chance of Daryl not liking Luke was close to none. Even the caretaker of their apartment complex who despised absolutely everyone adored him. But that again probably had something to do with amazing chocolate chip muffins he made for him a few times a month because the guy helped him move in his stuff.

Luke was an angel.

Michael was just stuffing his face with the last bits of the lasagna as his phone rang. He invited Calum over but he never texted him back so maybe it was him to come and keep him and Luna some company.

He his greasy hand on his shorts before reaching for the phone seeing his father was calling him.

"Hi, dad, what's good?"

"Hi bear, I was good until I got a call from your mother who is currently having a nervous breakdown over what to cook for dinner. Apparently, she vacuumed the house two times already and is planning on doing it once more. She even called me asking if I can come early from work so she could tidy while I would stand in the kitchen so nothing would burn."

Michael couldn't help but laugh.

"Dad it's only one and we're not coming till five, what is she cooking that needs to be in the oven already."

"I don't know." Daryl sighed. "We went grocery shopping yesterday and we bought more than we do when we're having a barbecue. Then I asked how many people are coming and she called me ridiculous and even accused me of not wanting to meet that precious boy of yours."

The blue-haired man was so happy that his parents were excited he couldn't help but to smile.

"Luke will love you two even if she makes pasta with dog food as a sauce, don't worry about anything. He's very open-minded about everything, the sweetest soul ever, he blushes a lot so maybe tell her to not smother him in compliments."

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