29 ❁ epilogue 1

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Song for the chapter: One Direction - What A Feeling

tw: smut

Two months later


Luke had three minutes.

He needed to do a lot more than he could fit in these 180 seconds.

Lune was sleeping in the bathroom so that was taken care of.

The oven wasn't on like the last time he was doing this.

Blinds were down, doors were locked.

one minute

Luke rushed to the bedroom where his laptop was already waiting on his bed. He decided to change his shirt within the ten extra seconds he had.

He pulled the dirty and probably smelly oversized State Champs shirt over his head throwing it on the floor.

The pink shirt? Another band tee? Luke had no idea what to wear.

The answer was nothing as the familiar sound of Skype call interrupted his train of thoughts.

He quickly launched himself into the made-up bed not wanting to miss a second of the hour he had with his boy.

Luke quickly pressed the accept button. In a matter of seconds, he was greeted by the loveliest pair of forest green eyes.

"Hi princess." Michael greeted, a huge smile complimenting his face.

"Hi, Mikey. You look beautiful."

He did look beautiful. His boyfriend was in a hotel room, a three-hour flight away from home. The room he was staying in was incredible, Luke already got the full tour of it. A big bed that was way too big and lonely for Michael had a dark wood bed frame with the exact same headboard on which the pale man was leaning on. The contrast between Michael's light complex and the background made Luke's heart hurt. He wanted to touch the warm, soft skin soon.

Michael was his home and Luke was homesick.

"You look pretty as well angel. Where's your shirt? "

"Oh you know I just had a couple of guests over."

Michael smirked and Luke couldn't stop looking at his now blond hair.

"Yeah? And what did these guest say about you? Did they tell you how beautiful you are every chance they got?" Luke blushed but shook his head. They both knew there were no guests but it was a game and they both decided to play along. As long as they both win Luke will play every game with Michael.

"What a shame really. I guess they didn't kiss every part of your body and complimented every stunning feature about you?"

"No," Luke whispered, laying on his hip so he could pretend Michael was right next to him.

"Then I think they don't deserve to see you like this. You should stay mine instead, what you think about that?" Michael's hand lightly touched the screen, there was so much love between the two of them and a week apart brought nothing but sadness.

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