21 ❁ cactus

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♡happy valentines day my loves♡

Song for the chapter: The 1975 - Sex

tw: smut

"What is this?"

"What is what babe?"

Michael looked up from the bright purple laptop seeing his boyfriend in his My Chemical Romance shirt using it as pyjama. The blond was holding two bags in his hands.

One was holding things he bought a while ago. It was a late night internet purchase and the older man was sure he hid it well. But Luke who was playing with Luna and was a 'little' nosy by nature had no trouble finding things that were meant to stay hidden. Especially from him.

The other bag Michael got at the pharmacy when a week ago he had a sore throat. The reason behind the illness was Luke and the reason behind the purchase was the gorgeous blond as well.


Michael blushed furiously and tried not to look at his boyfriend's eyes.

Luke walked to the older man and straddled his lap, after removing the laptop from it. He placed both plastic bags on the sofa, using his now free hands to gently tilt the warm, red-tinted face up.

"Is that for me?" Luke was nervous as well because he wasn't used to his boyfriend hiding things from him. Michael was always opened about everything, his history, his past relationships and experiences, he was gentle and opened about his intentions with Luke.

The older boy looked down again and Luke quickly missed the beautiful light green orbs.

The decision to wait for a few seconds turned out to be a good one as Michael let his lip from the hold of his teeth and leaned his head against one of Luke's hands closing his eyes.

"I had the biggest crush on you, you know?" The voice was soft and quiet, the tone of it making the moment intimate and special.

In that moment Luke knew he had nothing to worry about so he smiled softly leaning down to press their foreheads together. This caused Michael to look at his lover again and gently press their lips together. The kiss was short but enough to make both of them ready for the talk they were about to have.

"It was hard not to. Luke, you're just so beautiful and your presence became the source of my happiness and sometimes I would time myself just so I would go to pick up my mail just as you would take out the trash. It was embarrassing really, how I found an excuse to talk about you all the time. Calum said he'll claw my eyes out if I mention your name whenever we saw a flower or a pretty piece of clothing I wanted to buy for you."

Luke felt tears already collecting in the corner of his eyes. Never in his life did he have the luck to meet someone like Michael. The gamer pressed another kiss just to remember both of them this moment is real and to ground them from their bubble of love and adoration.

"I've hated myself for being so weak because I swear, I only wanted to be your friend, I've never expected for you to like me back. But you're just so amazing and kind and hot."

To give his words a deeper meaning Michael peppered soft kisses all over his boyfriend's face and moved his hands to Luke's ass, resting them there, his thumb rubbing against his own shirt on his boyfriend's skin.

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