Chapter 1

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I busted through the restaurant doors and screamed, "HELP, HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!"

Everyone just stared at me like I was growing a second head! Don't they know when someone screams help they are supposed to help?!? All of the people were completely silent, except for the baby I could hear crying further back. I puffed my breath out in annoyance when I realized that they weren't going to do anything, and started to run once more, but it was too late. The man I was running from rushed through the door and grabbed my arm. He was really tall and pale with shaggy, black hair. He looked about 20, I think.

I finally noticed people were still staring and they still seemed perfectly ok with what was happening right in front of them. I opened my mouth to say something to maybe alarm them in some way but, he stopped me with a spine-tingling glare and cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you, "he said, "I forgot to give my sister her medication."

"I don't need medicine!" I yelled.

"Stop, you're making a fool of yourself," he whispered.

His voice was smooth like silk he looked absolutely perfect. Not like someone who would kidnap a woman he found walking along the street. He was dangerously close to me as he started to pull my arm hard and the people went back to their lives after the comment about medication. He then proceeded to push me out of the restaurant and to what I can only assume is his car.

How? How is he so strong? Even with all of my weight he still pushed me like I was as light as a feather. He was also extremely cold even with the sun blazing down on us. I was sweating, mostly from running, but his hands stayed ice cold. I was so confused until he decided to smile at me. The freak is probably glad that he got away with it. I felt a little woozy when I saw the two fangs growing out of his mouth, but I snapped out of my shock to try one last time to get away.

I screamed once more. Why? I don't know, I guess I was hoping someone would actually pay attention to what was happening and hear my desperate attempts to escape. I yanked my arm out of his death grip and tried to run again, but he grabbed me and threw me in the car. I groaned out loud as I felt a sharp pain in my head. I instantly brought my hand up to feel the spot that was hit. The last thing I felt was the sticky, warmth of blood coming from my skull. The last thing I saw was the man closing the door with a big, full fanged smile on his face.

* * *

When I awoke, I was on a couch. I tried to look around but groaned out in pain. I brought my hand to my head as I tried to sit up but couldn't. I want to go home! Where am I? Then I heard a voice, wait no, two voices. I quickly shut my eyes and strained to hear what they were saying.

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