Chapter 1

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OK I've scrapped the reunion falls idea and have come up with a better one. I have a faint idea of the plot and there may be a mention of billdip in future chapters. I'm hoping I'll keep writing this because after I've finished a first book I normally just give up on the first chapter of the second one. Well, I hope you enjoy :D

Pacifica Northwest had never run this fast in her life. She didn't know where she was going but she hoped it was the way to the mystery shack if not, she was screwed. She could hear heavy footsteps behind her, they were getting closer every stride. The twelve year old held her breath, closed her eyes and ran into a bush, hoping she could hide and find out where she was.

She could hear the footsteps slowing to were she now sat. She curled up and tried to make herself as small as possible.

"Where are you llama?" His strange voice echoed in the empty forest, making Pacifica shiver.

More footsteps, this time heading from the opposite direction. They stopped just beside the bush.

"Dipper?" A familiar gravelly voice.

Pacifica, careful not to give her current location away, peered through a gap, watching the old man walk out to the brunette with raised eyebrows.

Pacifica wanted to yell out to the old man to run but she kept her mouth shut, just watching as he got closer.


The old man stopped in his tracks, adjusting the maroon fez on top of his head awkwardly, giving the boy a confused look.

"Dipper are you ok?" He asked, sounding more curious than scared or worried.

Dipper grinned, showing large fangs, his glowing yellow eyes lighting up.

Stanley's eyes widened and he took a long step back. He held out his hands, shaking his head.

"What have you done with my nephew" Stan grit his teeth "Bipper".

Judging by his tone, Pacifica guessed it wasn't the first time this had happened.

"Look fez, I'm not gonna hurt you" a smug look settled on the young twins face, unnatural to his usual expression of tiredness, stress and anxiety.

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