Chapter 11

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Pacifica Northwest watched the sun rise from her window. She hadn't got much sleep last night. Well, she hadn't slept properly since Mabel climbed through her window.

Today was the day the twins had to leave and the fact that she couldn't see them off left a knot in her stomach. The blonde sighed and leant on her windowsill, looking out at the trees. They had a faint orange glow on them, its was a beautiful sight.

Too bad pacifica was stuck in the mansion.

She had thought of climbing out of her window but she didn't have to right equipment for that. She could fall and break something or even worse, in her opinion, her parents would catch her and punish her even more than they already were. She shivered at the thought.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, making her jump. She quickly got it out, and opened Kik. Mabel had been trying to message her for the past hour.

Shooting star: Paz, where are you!?!

Shooting star: please message back, we're going soon

Shooting star: Dipper says thanks for the card btw :)

Paz: oh sorry, I was sleeping

Shooting star: its 12am paz!!

Paz: yeah, i slept in

Shooting star: anyways, I'm gonna miss you!

Paz: I'll miss you too

Paz: I can't believe I said that...

Shooting: omg I just realised you changed your name!!! You like my nickname? :D

Paz: yeah

Shooting star: well, I gotta go and finish packing, text you later! Remember to stay in touch with me <3

Paz: OK

Pacifica set her phone on her windowsill and exhaled, her cheeks growing red. Another heart oh my god, does she even know what she's doing??? She blinked a couple of times, rubbed her cheeks then stood up, shoving her hands into her thin purple jacket. She placed her phone in her jeans pocket and walked downstairs.

The first thing she realised was how empty and quiet it felt. She called over a Butler.

"Where are my parents?"

"They're on a business trip, they told me to tell you" he jabbed a thumb at his chest then pointed to the blonde "that they won't be back until tomorrow because of a party", he then narrowed his eyes "I've been told to lock all doors and windows so you can't get out".

The butler shoved past the twelve year old and went into the other room.

Pacifica scoffed. Why would she want to leave anyways, the twins were leaving in a couple of hours and there was no point hanging out with them. Dippers journal was probably at the bottom of his suitcase.

She walked into the kitchen and poured herself some cereal. Picking up then spoon lazily, she ignored the faint vibration coming from her pocket. It was probably from one of her 'friends'.

She rest her head in one hand, staring at the table until she felt herself rising. Looking down, her theory was correct, she was floating. Her cereal was going all over the place but we managed to get another couple spoonfuls into her mouth before air swimming into the next room and to the window.

"What?" Her eyes widened as she saw not only was the mansion slightly floating, but so was the entire town.

∆ ∆ ∆

Dipper pines yelped as he rose off his feet. He looked over towards his sister who was twirling in the air, frowning. Soos was also in the room, holding Stans fake ID cards in one hand and his slice of emergency salami in the other.

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