Chapter 13

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So, I already wrote this chapter and I was going to publish it but it got deleted so now I have to rewrite it. I'm pretty annoyed but I can improve on it I guess :\

Pacifica Northwest tapped her fingers on her desk. She grabbed her pen and scribbled down some notes then glanced at the clock. Twenty more minutes until school was over for the year. Pacifica was glad, sure, but the summers were very lonely since the Pines twins had left four years ago but it was a break from school so Pacifica couldn't complain.

The blonde cradled her head in her hand. School had driven her back to her old ways. She was a bully and the most popular and feared girl in the entire school. Whenever she pushed someone around it made her feel awful, but she had to keep her reputation. At least, until Mabel came back.

Mabel had said she'd come back. She promised four years ago. Pacifica still had her Kik but the texts had gotten less and less frequent as mabel was always busy with school and clubs.

She remembered how the triangle had come back to drop hints of the future. He had done it for a week after they had left and then the summer after. Pacifica hadn't heard from him since and she was very grateful for that.

Pacifica blinked and looked up at he clock. Ten minutes. She let out a long breath and looked at the board, copying down the questions and writing answers. It took her three minutes, history was her strong point.

"Two more minutes then you can pack up" the teacher drawled from the front.

She saw kids frantically scribbling down the answers then shutting their books. Pacifica rolled her eyes and shut her book, sliding it to the other side of the desk and getting out her bag. She put away all her stationary and notebooks.

"OK, have a nice summer!"

Everyone piled out and pacifica waited patiently and quietly at the back. She tapped her foot as the last kid left.

"Finally" she muttered, walking down the corridor and out of the school gates.

The blonde sat down on a bench to wait for her limo to arrive. It was late. It was always late.

Her phone buzzed and she slid it out of her pocket. It was a Kik message from Mabel. Her heart did a backflip. She took in a deep breath and read the text.

Shooting star: Heeey Paz! Sorry for not answering, I joined art club and I had a massive group project to finish :(

Shooting star: anyways, we're coming back to gravity falls this year! Dip and I just left, he recently got his license so we're not taking the bus :D

Paz: this is the best news I've gotten for four years!

Paz: see you tomorrow then??? I can drop by the mystery shack

Shooting star: yeah sure! I may even see you sooner ;)

Paz: that's creepy

Shooting star: ok, I have to go, Dipper wants me to give him the directions

Shooting star: my map reading skills are horrible, how is he trusting me with this!!

Paz: oh god

Paz: don't get lost!

Shooting star: we won't... Maybe

Shooting star: talk to you later!!

Pacifica set her phone down, a small, genuine smile on her pale face. Mabel hadn't changed, she was still a dork.

A loud honk startled her and she spun around to see her limo. She waved at pedestrians that had stopped and stared at the car as she got in, slamming the door shut and rolled up the blackened window.

"You're late"

"I'm sorry"

Pacifica frowned and rolled her eyes.

"I don't care if you're sorry" she grit her teeth "you're always late"

"I know, I know"

"I'm telling my parents"

The butlers eyes widened.

Pacifica knew what telling her parents would do. They would fire him and get a new one. Pacifica smirked.

The rest of the drive home was quiet. She stepped out of the limo and swung her bag over her shoulder. Pacifica strode up to the mansion, her hand on her phone. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she went through the conversation over and over in her head.

Mabel Pines was coming back to gravity falls. And her dorky brother but that wasn't important. He never liked her that much anyways.

The blonde got some food from the kitchen, a packet of crisps and three sandwiches, and went up to her room to feast and wait for the Pine's return.

Every time her phone buzzed, her heart leapt but when she saw it was just one of her fake friends, she never bothered to reply.

When her phone buzzed an eighth time she didn't even pick it up. she groaned and rolled over on her bed and listened as it kept buzzing. She closed her eyes.

The buzzing stopped and she sat back up and looked out her window. It was growing darker.

she checked the time on her phone. 9:00pm. Then opened Kik.

Shooting star: we're here!!!

Shooting star: open your window

Pacifica opened her window. She was met with big brown eyes shining in the moonlight. Something metal hit her windowsill.

"Oh my god mabel"

Sorry this is shorter than past chapters but like the note said, it got deleted before sooo...
I'm thinking of drawing my own book cover??? Any ideas, just comment what you think I should put on it :3


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